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Rockstar *in training*
You were born an original, don't die a copy!

October 12
my msn name: can you imagine... guys in the air force dressed in camo running around screaming "oh my god! a bee!!!" lol!
Jason says: "we do that all the time!"

I play punk rock! In punk rock, if you're not screwin it're screwin it up!

i'm feelin a little The current mood of angelic_punkrocker at
Page Started: October 24, 2000
Last Updated: October 12, 2004

i guess it's always better to know for sure than to wonder "just maybe"... even if you don't like the answer

yep, decided to change this opening part to my site. the only reason it's here is cuz MAYBE people i don't know will come here and be like "what is she talking about?" well, it's about me and my friends... lots of inside jokes, i always just use their names so if you don't know... too bad! ok, there's some people *who will remain nameless* who came to my site and just started yelling at my for my taste in music! i like what i like... it doesn't matter if it's some pop and some punk and some rock... it's what i listen to. so, if you like my site, tell me. if you don't, i don't care... don't come back then, simple as that. don't waste your time insulting me or something because the only opinion i care about is my own. call me what you want and i'll probably thank you for it... so like i said, don't waste your time, or mine. hm... i think that's all i wanted to say... oh, of course, updates are right below this. ;p buh bye
10/4/04 - ya, so i know i don't update this all the time... i don't do much to my site anymore... oh well. so ya, i went to devils lake's homecoming on friday and stayed and watched pak's drama practice on saturday then ate with him, then went home. then i went to the benefit concert for monte which had 10 bands and over 500 people showed up!!! holy crap for a local show i know! haha... there was a donation thing too and after all the costs they have like, over $1800 for the scholarship (i'm pretty sure that's what they're using it for). ya then i had to work on sunday and my grandparents, a couple uncles and my dad stopped in to eat after church so i talked to them for a while. so yep, i had a really great weekend. oh and i think you all should read that "event that changed my life" thing right below this. i'm very proud of how i wrote it and i'd like you know what you think.
9/27/04 - colie came back to school today for government and lunch. it was very exciting.

An Event That Has Changed My Life

me talking about my life

This is my tiger, Franklin.

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it's not that i'm antisocial, i just don't like you

...The Insane Asylum is not responsible for King Kong hitting on you (watch out cuz he will), angry words that might hurt your lil feelings, std's, penguin bites, crazed soccer mothers attacking you wit mini vans, nude pictures of santa claus, mermaids, rainbows, pissed off preps, moshing deaths, broken guitars, suicides, getting stepped on by that pink elephant that keeps following me, posessed by gremlins, or freak accidents requiring...spoons.



"If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls. I will write always. I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you." -Henry Rollins