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Designing of this site is a result of hard work I have put in without any formal training or knowledge of webpage designing, sitting quite late well into the mid nights, surfing various html and web design resources for a suitable and good looking design with quality content. I am made to believe that I have done some good designing after I received the following awards one after the other.


You will be delighted to know that your site has been featured as a LINK OF THE DAY - 12 Jan '99 - in Khoj, the Indian search engine (http://www.khoj.com). A Khoj LINK site is awarded to only one site a day, and is a mark of quality content among the vast number of Indian Websites, Khoj LINK OF THE DAY is part of Khoj Daily on the Khoj Home Page. If you would like to carry a logo identifying your site as part the Khoj LINK OF THE DAY sites, you can include the following line of HTML code at an appropriate place on your page.

Manuel Fernandes
13 January, 1999



Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, good design, clever original graphics, great photos, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web. Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again when time permits :) The Award logo is being sent as an attachment to this note and your site should be posted on the "Winners List" today. See below for the code.

Bill Darling
14 May, 1999


Kashmir Goes On Line - Even if the governments of the two countries are yet to decide the fate of the heaven on earth - Kashmir, technology seems to be seeing no bar. Recently the Khoj engine has been stormed by the clicks on the URL http://travel.to/kashmir. The site has full information about the city, a guide for travellers, a cool link for Bollywood music lovers, complete with a chat site.

......covered under NetWatch of
(A Media Transasia Publication)
May,1999 Issue
(Popular monthly IT Journal- widely circulated and read in India)

Hello and Congratulations!

We are pleased to announce that your submission for the Quatec Website Design Award has been approved. Your site was reviewed for originality, usefulness of information, graphic design, and was found to add an outstanding artistic flair, careful and concise design, and a wealth of information. Your site only enhances the originality of our Internet community.
Job well done!

The Staff at Quatec
17 May, 1999

Thank you for visiting our corner of the web and giving me the opportunity to visit your site. I was very impressed by all the hard work you have put into the site and have to congratulate you on a wonderful achievement in web site design. I would like to extend my congratulations on producing a very informative and resourceful site about Kashmir for all of your visitors to enjoy as much as I did. An excellent addition to the web, one that you should be very proud of. I have enclosed our Award of Excellence for your site.

17 May, 1999



Your site has been selected to receive the BLOOMIN' BANNERS Award of Excellence. Our Awards Evaluation and Selection Committee has visited your pages and have found your site to possess creativity, imagination, effective use of graphics, ease of navigation and useful information. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being highest), the overall rating for your site was 8. Great work! Each award recipient is entitled to display their own PERSONALIZED animated version of our new Award banner on their site. It is 7 KB in size. You will also be listed on our "BLOOMIN' BANNERS Award Recipients" page (Now under construction) with a link to your site. As a winner of the BLOOMIN' BANNERS Award of Excellence, you may now apply to become a member of the Evaluations Committee and help us to assess other sites requesting the award. Congratulations, once again.... Sites that earn the BLOOMIN BANNERS Award of Excellence make the WWW a place for information, communication, and just plain FUN!

Best Regards,
The Awards Committee
Bloomin' Banners Award of Excellence
30 June 1999

V3 The Come.to People in its Newsletter Week 19 dated 13 May, 2000 addressed toover 2 million users adjudged KASHMIR NOSTALGIA ( URL http://travel.to/kashmir ) at No.1 of the top ten sites of the week. The site had record hits of nearly 400 visits a day this week - a real recognition and a befitting award for any web designer !
The relevant portion of the mail from Remy Willems is reproduced below

*************************** COOL SITES ********************************

This is a list of our top picks of this week. If you want to be on this list in the next newsletter (goes out to more than 2 million users!) drop Remy a line at coolsites@v3.com (Don't forget to include your V3 URL)

1.Let's visit India http://travel.to/kashmir

2.Cool art, Earthtones http://welcome.to/earthtones

3.Genbukan? http://go.to/taraireland

4.Football central (American) http://crash.to/footballcentral

5.Live 24-hour jazz music stream! http://listen.to/jazzradio

6.Do you own a SoundblasterLive? http://listen.to/sblive

7.If you are not allowed to smoke it :-) http://start.at/dopesites

8.I put this one in for our Eric http://welcome.to/MusicPediatrics

9.Army trucks http://go.to/lwd

10.Trekkies only http://go.to/lcars


Email: paradisekashmir@rediffmail.com