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English names, such as James, Robert, Anne, have a meaning, but it is known only to those who have studied etymology. In Bliblical times it was different. The names of persons were not only significant, but as a rule everybody knew the meaning as soon as the name was heard. Sarah, Jacob, Miriam, Jehoshaphat, Martha, Rhoda, Dorcas were intelligible to all.

The name was probably given by the Hebrews on the 8th day after birth [Gen. 17:12; 21:3.4; Luke 1:59; 2:21]. The child might be given the name of a natural object, as: Terah, wild goat; Leah. wild cow; Johan, dove; Tamar, palm tree; Tabitha, gazelle.

It might receive a name expressive of it's physical condition; for example, Shiphrah, beauty; or of the parents' hope of regarding it, as Noah, rest [Gen. 5:29]. Some names were given prophetically, as that of Jesus because He should be the Saviour. [Matt. 1:21]. Many names testified to the piety or gratitude of the parents, as: Simeon, hearing [Gen.29:33]; or Nethaniah, Jehovah has given; or Elizur, God is a rock. Others were commemorative of national events, as Ichabod [I Sam.4:21]; yet others were family names [Luke 2:59-61; cf. ch 3:23-38] When character was developed, a NEW NAME was sometimes given as expressive of it, as Israel and Cephas. In the later period when several languages were spoken in Palestine, a name was often translated and the person was known by 2 names, as: Cephas after the Aramaic; Peter after the Greek; Thomas and Didymus both names meaning twin; Messiah and Christ both meaning anointed. At this time also names were transformed, the Hebrew Jehonanan became in Greek Joannes, and Joseph became Joses.

Surnames were lacking among the Hebrews; persons were designated by adding to the personal name the name of their city, as Jesus of Nazareth, Joseph of Arimathaea, Mary Magdalene, Nahim the Elkoshite; or by a statement of their descent, as Simon son of Jonah; by their disposition, trade, or another characteristic, as Simon Peter, Nathan the prophet, Joseph the carpenter, Matthew the publican, Simon the zealot, and Dionysius the Areopagite. Every Roman had three names: praenomen, which was his personal name and stood first, a nomen, which was that of his genes or house that stood second, and a cognomen or surname, which was that of his family and came last. Thus M.Antonius Felix, the procurator, was Marcus of the clan Antonia and the family called Felix. Frequently only the nomen and cognomen were given, the personal name being omitted; as Julius Caesar, Pontius Pilate, Claudius Lysias.

Name is often used in Hebrew in the sense of revealed character and essence. God swears by hi great name to carry out Hi purposes [Jer.44:26], that is He swears by His attested power to accomplish His Word. The name of the God of Jacob which sets the king on high [Ps. 20:1] is the manifested power of Israel's God. The name of God was in the angel which led Israel through the wilderness [Ex.23:21], because in Him the revealed mighty and majesty of God Himself dwelt. [cf. Ex.6:3 with v7; I Kings 8:43; Ps 91:14; Isa. 52:6; 64:2; Jer.16:21].

The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible

A word from Cher

[II Sam.7:13}, the place where he manifests Himself. To know the name of God is to witness the manifestation of those attributes and apprehend that character which the name denotes

Again we repeat that as a means of emphasis. When we hear in the WORD that it's ALL IN THE NAME OF JESUS, then we can see the necessity of knowing the WORD, because IN THERE, is the MANIFESTATION of Jesus Christ's attributes, in which His character denotes God, which we seek to apprehend for our very life's sake. For 'the name of God dwells in His sanctuary.'
