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One Nation Under God From time to time we need to pause In silent contemplation, Of the heritage which brought about This bright and shining nation. For if we disregard the years Since our nation had its birth, We may somehow fail to notice Just how much our freedom's worth. History tells the time and place Men proudly stood as brothers, Willing then to fight & die To meet the needs of others. The ruthless hand of tyranny That sought to beat them down, Met headlong with the tempest which Lashed out against the crown. Defiantly their souls spoke out To gain their equal station, With declaration why they were Impelled to separation. Blind hatred didn't drive them on But visions crisp & clear, Of a nation brimming over With freedom everywhere. Facing overwhelming odds They fought against restrictions, With an arsenal of courage And the strength of their convictions. For they believed as we today That nothing can be greater, Than fellow men whose rights have been Endowed by their Creator. These men imparted principles To later generations, Which helped to make America The greatest of all nations. Truly they have lit our pathway With a lamp that cannot dim, It's the grand illumination Wrought by faith alone in Him. And looking back two hundred years O'er all the roads we've trod, We find success as we remain ONE NATION UNDER GOD!
Written by Paul Joseph Wise. Copyright©1976

This set is dedicated to all those who have lost and may yet lose their lives as a result of the terroristic attacks against our Nation. My prayers cry out for you and my tears fall for the loss of loved ones

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