II Timothy 1:12

  1. Intro.
    1. assurance of our safety in Christ is beneficial in all areas of life
      1. it helps to keep us humble- Luke 10:17-20
        1. their tendency to pride is noticed by Jesus – 17
        2. what lesson did He teach them which might prevent them from being exalted above measure – 20
        3. the assurance of salvation can help to keep us humble in the day of prosperity
        4. this was a reminder that we must not set our affection on the things of earth, but on things above
        5. our heart should be set on were our greatest treasure is
      2. it will preserve us in times of despair and adversity – II Tim 1:12
    2. we should not be content with hope, we need to have confidence and assurance
  2. the grandest action of the Christian life [that which I have committed unto him]
    1. this is the simple and essential act of salvation
    2. Paul had committed himself into the hands of Christ
      1. his soul with all its sins
      2. his whole being which was destined for destruction in hell
    3. what Paul meant when he committed himself to Christ
      1. he renounced all dependence on his own efforts to save himself
        1. Paul had done very much to earn his own salvation – Philippians 3:4-6
          1. Paul was so anxious to obtain salvation by his own efforts, that he left no stone unturned
          2. while other Pharisees were hypocrites, Paul was not
        2. one day Paul had a change of mind – Philippians 3:7-9
          1. there came a day when Paul renounced all of his self efforts
          2. he gave up the futile attempt to be h is own savior
          3. when Christ is our only Savior, then we are safe
      2. he had confidence that Christ would save him
        1. some people realize that their best performance is unacceptable before God
          1. their most holy acts are full of sin
          2. their most faithful service falls short of the demands of the law
        2. but they are unable to see that Christ can and will save them
          1. they what to see an angel or a vision, or hear a voice
          2. their thought is that Jesus would not save someone like them (to vile, to old)
        3. Jesus accepts us just as we are
      3. he did make a full and free surrender of himself to Christ
        1. to be Christ property, and to be Christ servant for ever
        2. we have been bought with a price; therefore, from that day forward we are not our own
        3. we must be willing to give up all sin
        4. we do not have the power to be sinless, but we wish we were
        5. our prayer, "Lord, make me like thyself"
  3. the reason for this grand act of trust [for I know whom I have believed]
    1. confidence is sometimes folly
      1. trusting in man is always an act of foolishness
      2. when we put our confidence in Christ, it is justifiable
    2. Paul’s faith was justifiable because he knew who he was trusting in
      1. he was not trusting in an unknown or untried pretender
      2. he was not relying on one whose character was suspect
      3. he was trusting in one whose power, willingness, love, and truthfulness was known
    3. things Paul knew about Christ
      1. that He was God (the Son of God, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father)
      2. that He was the Redeemer (His sacrifice was sufficient to pay for the sins of man)
      3. that He was risen from the dead (because He lives, we shall live with Him)
      4. that He is the all prevailing intercessor (the Father will grant all that Christ ask)
      5. the love of Christ (it is greater, kinder, higher, deeper than we can even conceive)
      6. the power of Christ (the Omnipotent, King of kings)
      7. the faithfulness of Christ (He was God, and could not lie)
      8. the immutability of Christ (the same yesterday, today, and forever)
    4. He knew these things by faith, and most of them by experience
    5. the longer we walk with Christ, the better we will know Him
  4. the blessed effect of this confidence [and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him]
    1. Paul is sure that he will be saved, but why?
      1. does he think that he can keep himself saved, NO
      2. he was persuaded that Christ could keep him
      3. Christ, the one to whom we committed ourselves was power enough to hold us to the end
      4. He that died for our soul, shall see the salvation of it
    2. is there anything that could shake our confidence
      1. hunger and thirst (famine cannot quench our faith, for the keeping of it is in the hands of Christ)
      2. scoffing and persecution (if the keeping of our soul was with self, we would soon apostatize)
      3. temptation to fame, popularity and wealth (temptation may overcome us, but it can never overcome Christ)
      4. death (Jesus will be with us there, and our soul shall not die for He is the way, the truth and the life)
    3. there is nothing that could for even one moment move Jesus to give us up – Romans 8:35-39