Luke 16:19-31

  1. Intro.
    1. in this unveiling of the unseen, we find a lesson on many important truths
      1. we find the answer to many false doctrines that are taught today
      2. Jesus knew that false cults would spring up and that false prophets would arise
        1. they would teach things totally contrary to the mind of God
        2. they would do this while claiming to speak for God
      3. in this portion of Scripture, Jesus pulls aside the veil and give us a glimpse into eternity
        1. that we may know the truth about those things which lay beyond the grave
        2. that we may defend ourselves against the false prophets
    2. the rich man – 19
      1. he prepared well up to the grave
      2. be bought fine garments to clothe his body, and the best food to strengthen his body
      3. no evil is recorded of him, nor any good
      4. he lived without God, and rejected God’s Word, and had no interest in the godly man at his gate
    3. Lazarus – 20
      1. he was lying in poverty and pain, with dogs for his companions
      2. hear we learn that a wicked man may be wealthy, and a saintly man may live in poverty
      3. to belong to the Lord does not necessarily mean a freedom from earthly distress
      4. a good man may be wretched, and a godly life may be lived in the midst of sorrow and pain
  2. does death end all - 22
    1. death ends all things earthly for both the believer and the unbeliever
      1. for godly Lazarus
        1. it ended the company of dogs and brought the company of angels
        2. it ended his lying outside the gate and began his living in the mansion of God
      2. for the rich man
        1. death ended all his pleasures and began his pain
        2. when God’s longsuffering ended, the rich man’s longsuffering began
        3. death ended his reveling in wine and began his eternal torment of everlasting thirst
        4. death ended his luxury and began his poverty
        5. death ended his comforts and began his curses
    2. will we know anything after death – 23
      1. neither Lazarus or the rich man slept in the grave
      2. these men were conscious after death (they saw each other and spoke to each other)
      3. Abraham had been dead for a long time, yet Lazarus and the rich man saw him and recognized him
    3. death caused the rich man to begin to pray – 24
      1. he did not think he needed to pray while he was still living
      2. he did not pray to get out of hell, but only for some comfort while he was there
      3. he had shut God out of his life, now God was shutting him out of eternal bliss
      4. he did not believe in showing mercy to Lazarus before death, but now he wants mercy from both Abraham and Lazarus
      5. he did not believe in missions before death, but now he wants someone sent to his brothers – 27-28
  3. will God punish sinners
    1. sometimes people wonder whether a good God will punish sinners – 24
      1. the Lord has given us this answer to remove all doubt (sinners will be punished)
      2. in order to convince us that there is no second chance after death, He gave us verse 26
      3. if any fail to trust Christ, they will go the way of the rich man, to a place of suffering where there is no escape
    2. prayers offered for the departed dead, will not help them
  4. can sinners be saved after death
    1. there is no hope whatsoever for the salvation of anyone who dies without Christ
      1. there is no comfort or hope anywhere in the Bible for anyone who refuses to obey the gospel
      2. to turn away from Christ now is to close the door forever to heaven and God
      3. we are entirely dependent on God’s Word for God’s message of salvation
        1. there is no other way and no other plan
        2. he that rejects God’s Word in this life will be rejected by God in the next life
    2. sometimes we hear of living people praying for their dead
      1. here we find the dead praying for the living – 27-28
      2. this rich man had no interest in the spiritual welfare of his brothers before death, but now he has deep concern
      3. while he was living he did not care about the gospel message, but now he realizes that it is the message they need
      4. during life he made no effort to keep his brothers from going to hell, but now he vainly attempts to bring salvation to them
    3. there is a way to keep a person out of hell, but there is no way to get them out of hell
  5. is there enough gospel in the OT to save a soul from hell – 29
    1. Abraham referred to the OT as a sufficient remedy for his brothers
    2. do the dead know what we are doing on earth
      1. Abraham knew that there was a Moses, though Abraham died long before Moses was born
      2. Abraham knew that Moses and other prophets had written books
      3. Abraham knew that these five brothers had the books in their homes
      4. he knew that these boys neither read nor believed these books
    3. the rich man had no faith in the Word of God – 30
      1. he didn’t believe that the Bible was sufficient, he wanted someone from the dead should go to them
      2. he had more faith in the words of a dead man, than in the Word of God
      3. his rejection of God’s Word caused God to reject him
    4. can the dead come back to talk to the living - 31
      1. Jesus’ answer is "no"
      2. the Bible contains a clear and complete revelation of all that we need to know for time and eternity
      3. what can a dead person tell us that has not already been revealed in the Bible
      4. what information has God withheld from us that could be brought to us by a dead man
        1. in the OT, four people returned to life on earth, but none of them brought any messages from God
        2. in the NT, six people came back from the grave, but none of them had any messages concerning the things of eternity
        3. God does not permit the dead to propagate His truth
        4. God speaks through the living lips of those who love Him
        5. no spirit medium has ever given any new light on spiritual problems, nor any revelation concerning the mysteries of death and the life beyond
      5. Lazarus was not permitted to return, because God does not require His saints to work overtime
        1. he would have had no new message
        2. everything he had learned in eternity was fully described in the Bible
        3. we must accept His Word, or die in the dark
  6. does fire consume the body in heal - 23
    1. the rich man did not think so , he said "I am tormented" and not "I am being consumed"
    2. hell does not destroy man’s existence
    3. to die without a Savior is to be lost forever
      1. the rich man got no second chance, nor did he ask for it
      2. he did not ask to be released from hell, he only sought relief
      3. he did not complain about being unjustly treated, he only wanted some temporary relief
      4. he did not argue about his punishment, but sought for the salvation of his brothers
    4. will you heed this warning from our merciful Master, the Lord Jesus Christ
    5. Jesus will save you from the fate of the rich man, if you believe His Word, receive Him as Savior, and trust in His precious blood
    6. Jesus shed His blood for the forgiveness your sins