Luke 22:31-34

  1. introduction
    1. the Gospels tell a shocking story of some things that happened in Peter’s life
      1. denied the Savior, cursed & swore, quit the ministry
      2. they also tell of Peter’s restoration to fellowship and service
    2. let us now consider the inspired story of Peter’s downfall
  2. the meaning of Peter’s downfall
    1. Peter’s case is not an isolated nor unusual one
      1. those who say that Christians do not sin have not read their Bible
      2. Peter sinned (unfaithful, cowardly, lied, cursed & quit the ministry)
    2. others like Peter
      1. Noah got drunk, Abraham & Isaac lied, David committed adultery & murder
      2. Paul & Silas quarreled, John Mark was a quitter, Demas loved the world
      3. Christian failure is found everywhere in the Bible
    3. Peter was a very prominent Christian when he fell
      1. the sin of Peter is intended to warn us that we also (great or small) can fall
      2. we should have the greatest concern for the temptations that await us
      3. not only do weak Christians fall into sin, so do strong ones
    4. notice the serious nature of Peter’s sin
      1. he denied that he was a follower of Christ & denied even knowing Him - L 22:56
        1. he did not claim to be a Christian & did not claim to love Christ
        2. this was not only a denial, but an outright lie
        3. lying is a part of the 10 commandments, along with murder & adultery
      2. Peter sinned even more - Matt. 26:73-74
        1. as a lost fisherman, Peter was probably a blasphemer
        2. now as an apostle, he reverts back to the language of those days
        3. this does not mean that Peter no longer loved the Lord
        4. this does not mean that Peter no longer wanted to do right
        5. it is no wonder that he decided to quit the ministry & go back to fishing
          1. felt that Jesus would never forgive him
          2. felt that people would not listen to him because of this
      3. a child of God, if not on guard, can do the most outrageous sins
      4. this happened shortly after his statement of faith & devotion - Matt. 26:33-35
      5. this vow was as sincere as any ever made (take heed lest ye fall)
    5. Peter did not lose his salvation
      1. he lost his joy, testimony & his fellowship
      2. Satan desired to sift him, but had no hope of damning him
      3. there is not even a hint in the Bible that Peter might have lost his salvation
      4. salvation is all of grace; God saves those who do not deserve it
  3. the things that led to Peter’s fall
    1. he was the victim of a direct assault by Satan - Luke 22:31
      1. Satan, the master of demons, set out to lead Peter into sin
      2. we are commanded to put on the whole armor of God, so we can stand against the wiles of the devil
      3. Satan does not bother those that are no threat to him
    2. Jesus knew of Satan’s attack and permitted it
      1. God, in wisdom & love, will sometimes allow temptation
      2. the temptations that God allows will be for our good & His glory
      3. Peter did not need to sin; Jesus had warned him
    3. Peter had a carnal nature friendly to sin
      1. Peter was save, but the old nature was still present
      2. Peter was saved, but he was not saved all over
      3. his soul & spirit were saved, but not his body
      4. with an old body we still have the old nature
      5. thank God for the new body He will give us one day (total & full salvation) - Rom. 8:21-23
    4. lack of prayer left Peter an easy victim for Satan’s attack - Matt. 26:40-41
      1. Peter had resources available that he did not use
      2. he could have had strength to resist temptation if he had sought it
      3. Satan trembles when he sees weak Christians on their knees
      4. prayer is the way to defeat Satan
    5. Peter sat down by the wrong fire- Luke 22:54-60
      1. at this fire he was surrounded by the enemies of Christ
      2. it was not hard for Peter to deny because he was already avoiding identification
      3. he did not intend to deny, but a willful consent to wrong company will have this result
  4. what brought Peter back into fellowship and service
    1. Jesus had prayed for Peter
      1. Jesus had guaranteed that Satan could not have Peter - Luke 22:31-32
      2. converted means to come again, return again, to revert
      3. Christians may not always get their prayers answered, but Jesus does - Heb. 7:24-25
    2. Peter had a new nature that could not be content away from Christ
      1. Peter did not want to sin & was heartbroken over what he did- Luke 22:62
      2. their is something in the heart of a Christian that is never satisfied with sin
    3. Jesus personally sought out Peter
      1. after Peter denied, he looked at Jesus and Jesus was looking at him - Luke 22:60-62
      2. after Jesus arose, He sent special word to Peter - Mark 16:7
      3. Jesus ask Peter "do you really love me" -Jn. 21:15-17
    4. Peter came back to serve because he had an uncanceled call - Rom. 11:29
      1. when God saves a sinner, He keeps him saved
      2. when God calls a preacher, He does not change His mind
      3. Peter had been called; he was given the keys of the kingdom
      4. God had plans for Peter and they had not been canceled
      5. aren’t we glad that Jesus never changes
      6. aren’t we glad that He gives people a new chance - I Jn. 1:9