
My news

1/22/2005 Saturday
Hmz okay my new year on my site
I know I know it isn't the first time that I say / wish that
but I can't find the time to do it :(
It sounds simply to say that I must make time *sigh*
This time I hopefully can, because...
It's time for new poems and maybe a new story
And I really really want to work on my lyrics :D

5/28/2004 Friday
Site is under construction :)

28/02/2003 Saturday
I had a little break for a month, so I haven't do much here
Well, I gave 'My Friends' an other place.
I create a site for them.
If you ask me why? :)
I can tell you that the diserve it. :-D
Click on the button below and you'll see them.
I quess that the place isn't really complete, so it can be chance over a view days, but itsn't for sure.

Friends of Aquiva

12/31/2003 Wednesday

12/6/2003 Saturday
I wrote three new poem.

12/3/2003 Wednesday
I have disappear the chatroom.
If you really want it, I can let it appear again.
But I think that it isn't neccassary if you take a look at the forum and talk there.
As you go to the forum you can see the post "Te koop" there you can read that we going to sell shirts and maybe more.
So keep in touch.

10/3/2003 Friday
I have added new links and a new catagory called "Cabaret"!

8/18/2003 Monday
Hey, I'm back again!!

There is a forum for all your questions, things you want to tell and more. There is also a chat room.

2/23/2003 Sunday
Everything is changing, so do I, so does my a positive way

'My Friends' there you can find something like a photo gallary of my friends. Under 'My Story' you can find a short new one. And there are some new links.

9/18/2002 Wednesday
My Pictures, there you can see the pictures that I took.
My Drawings, when I went to France some stupid fools have stolen my backpack with inside me drawings and other things, so for now there aren't drawings, but I hope that I can make some new one.

Soon there will come more:
  • Lyrics
  • Psychology

    6/29/2002 Wednesday
    At Psychology will come soon:
  • Lucid Dreaming
  • Borderliner
  • Schizophrenia
    and more
    In English and Dutch aswell

    At Spiritual will come soon:
  • symbols
    and more

    6/28/2002 Friday
    If you have a question, you can always mail me. I hope to be able to answer your questions and those can you find on my site.
    You can mail me at: