.:School Daze-2:.

It was the second day of school at Saillune Kindergarten, and each student was feeling a little nervous. Their previous teacher, "Lina-sensei" had quit the first day after only one minor explosion. Would their new teacher be the same? Would they be even more strict than Lina? Only time will tell!

Chibi Filia: (skipping to school, Chibi Valgaav close at her heels) I brought an apple and a seven course dinner for the new teacher just in case they're like Lina-sensei! What about you, Vally-kun?

Chibi Valgaav: (trying to catch up with Chibi Filia) Of course not... do I look like a preppy or something?

Chibi Filia: (stops abruptly, and Chibi Valgaav almost crashes into her) What? Are you saying that I'm preppy?

Chibi Valgaav: (sweatdropping) Er, no, that's not it! I'm just saying you're a suck-up! Gyack, wait...

Chibi Filia: Hmph! (she grabs the pie off the tray which was carrying her seven course dinner and throws it in poor Chibi Valgaav's face)

Chibi Valgaav: (licking the pie off his face) What did I do? (he wipes it out of his eyes but Chibi Filia is already gone) Oh no... that means I have to make it up to her somehow...

Just then, he spots Chibi Xelloss floating along to school. Hungry for advice, but still a little wary of Chibi Xelloss, Chibi Valgaav reluctantly makes his way over to his fellow student.

Chibi Valgaav: Hey Xelloss... I kind of made Filia mad, and I want to tell her I'm sorry. Got any ideas?

Chibi Xelloss grins. This, of course, is another chance to wreak havoc and make life miserable for that annoying golden dragon. I mean, she called him namagomi! Ouch!

Chibi Xelloss: (patting Chibi Valgaav on the back) There there, old palsy! I know all about making people happy, so I'll help you out!

Chibi Valgaav: (looking hopeful) Really?

Chibi Xeloss: Sure! Um... Girls really love things that crawl around.

Chibi Valgaav: Crawl around?

Chibi Xelloss: You know, frogs, lizards, grasshoppers... Things that crawl on the ground. Crawly things.

Chibi Valgaav: (looking confused) Okaaay... whatever you say. (he looks around and jumps) Gosh, the bell's about to ring! I have to find something that crawls right away!

Chibi Xelloss: (sniggering) Yeah, hurry!

Chibi Valgaav: (calling over his shoulder) Thanks for the advice Xelloss-chan!

Chibi Filia: (muttering) He's such a jerk! No one cares about my feelings! I'll get back at him! Huh?

Looking up, she finds herself in front of the school. Shrugging, she forgets about getting revenge and takes her seat next to Chibi Xelloss, who is already there grinning cheerfully.

Chibi Filia: (still in a bad mood) What are you so happy about, you stupid namagomi?

Chibi Xelloss: (twidles his thumbs) Oh... Nothing.

Just then, Chibi Valgaav rushes into the room, Gourry close behind. Chibi Valgaav has something behind his back. With the class assembled, their new teacher comes to the front of the room. He blandly introduces himself to his students.

Zelgadis: Good morning class, my name is Zelgadis-sensei. If you'll open the books on the desks in front of you, you'll see we'll be researching the finer sides of medical science. Please read page 204, passage 2 to yourselves silently. I will be quizzing you in 20 minutes.

All: Huh!?

Chibi Valgaav: But... sensei... we can't read! We're only in kindergarten!

Zelgadis: (sighing) That may be, but there is at least one student who is old enough to read in this class.

He turns to Gourry, who has fainted from confusion.

Zelgadis: Ooookaaaay... you can all put your books away now. It's snack time. (he mutters to himself) I knew I wasn't cut out for this job...

The children (and Gourry-sama) all proceed to the snack table and take out their lunch boxes. Chibi Filia puts the apple on Zelgadis's desk and lets the class share her seven course dinner.

Chibi Valgaav: Hey... Filia? I'm really sorry about what I said this morning, and I wanted to make it up to you. So, I got you this! (he reaches into the void behind his back and pulls out a small, chubby, white, fluffy, cute, motor-nosed bunny and hands it to Chibi Filia.) See, it crawls! Girls really like that, right?

Chibi Filia: (takes the bunny with a smile) Kawaii kawaii kawaii! Oh, thank you, it's so cute!

She rushes up to Chibi Valgaav and gives him a hug, so happy that Chibi Xelloss gags. Chibi Valgaav, stunned, embraces her back, but he doesn't look where he's going and steps on her tail. Chibi Filia screams, drops the bunny, and the bunny, startled, bites her tail. Chibi Filia screams again.

Chibi Filia: (clutching her bleeding tail) Oh, really funny, you big stupid jerk! I hate you!! (she begins to cry and runs back to her desk)

Zelgadis: (sets down his copy of Plastic Surgery- Is it Right For You? and runs up to Chibi Filia) What's all the commotion about? Children, settle down! Filia, what's happened?(he wrings his hands worriedly) Oh, this doesn't look good, if we'd read the books on medical science this wouldn't have happened!

Chibi Filia goes back to her desk and pouts, refusing to let go of her tail (or the bunny).

Chibi Xelloss: (chuckling) Well, looks like you blew it, my dear Valgaav.

Chibi Valgaav: I don't get it. It crawled.

Chibi Xelloss: That it did. But women are strange, fickle creatures, and sometimes they don't acknowledge your exploits for them. However, you're in luck, my friend. I have I plan that cannot fail!

Chibi Valgaav: You do? What is it?

Chibi Xelloss: Just meet me before school tomorrow.

Later... Wolfpack Island

Chibi Xelloss: Juu'ou-sama, I'm home!

Zelas: What did you learn today in school, honey?

Chibi Xellosss: Um... That bunnies are ferocious blood-thirsty beasts?

Zelas: Oookayyyy... well, do you have any homework?

Chibi Xellosss: Yeaaaah...(smiles as he remembers his promise to Chibi Valgaav) Is it okay if I do it in the kitchen?

Zelas: (lights up a cigarette) Whatever.

Chibi Xellosss enters the kitchen and takes a seat at the table. He begins to think. Then, he jumps up, hit by a burst of inspriation and conjures up some cooking supplies.

Chibi Xelloss: (donning a flowery pink apron and a chef's hat) Hmm... chocolate... heart-shaped mold... frog spawn... what to make...Oh, I know!

He begins to get to work, smiling as he imagines the look on Chibi Filia's face as she bites into a frog-spawn chocolate. She would be furious! And at Chibi Valgaav for once, not him. A thought strikes Chibi Xelloss. He'll be ruining two people in one go! He was such a genius!

Chibi Valgaav: (rises out of bed, rubbing his eyes) Wow, I had the worst dream! Zelgadis-sensei was dressed in a giant bunny suit and chasing Filia and me, then he ate her tail and was about to eat me but a green cat came and saved me! Now that I think about it, it really wasn't that scary after all. (he gets ready for school and walks out the door, only to find Chibi Xelloss waiting for him.)

Chibi Xelloss: Good morning! Don't worry, all of your problems are solved! Just give her these chocolates and she'll forget she was even mad at you!

Chibi Valgaav: Are you sure?

Chibi Xelloss: (looks genuinely surprised) My dear Valgaav, have I ever given you bad advice?

Chibi Valgaav: I guess not... I'll give her these, then.

Chibi Xelloss: (looks relieved) I knew you'd listen to me! Good luck, then. (he teleports away)

Wait, Vally-kun! Stop walking! Look, there's a turtle right in the middle of the sidewalk! Look where you're going before it's too late, dammit! Oh, I can't watch! The horror of it all!

Chibi Valgaav: (whistling with the chocolates under his arm) H-huh!?

Too late. Our poor little dragonboy trips over the turtle and falls face-first onto the sidewalk, dropping the chocolates in the process. He stands up, brushing himself off. The turtle has gotten away unscathed (fast little critters, aren't they?) and he only has a few scratches. Chibi Valgaav frantically looks around for the chocolates, only to find them lying in a mud puddle.

Chibi Valgaav: @$#*&%^?!

He digs in his pockets hopefully, trying to find something to give to Chibi Filia. He pulls out a five-dollar bill.

Chibi Valgaav: All right! I can just buy her some new chocolates at the grocery store down the street! Thanks, L-sama!


Chibi Xelloss squints at Chibi Valgaav as he enters the classroom with Gourry close behind. Yes, he's brought the chocolates, Chibi Xelloss notes with satisfaction. He grins. All is going according to plan!

Zelgadis: Everyone take your seats, please.

Chibi Valgaav: Pssst! Filia!

Chibi Filia: (looking annoyed) What?

Chibi Valgaav: I got you these! (he hands Filia the chocolates)

Chibi Xelloss cranes his neck to see.

Chibi Filia: Oh, thank you Valgaav! Mmm... lemon truffles!

Chibi Xelloss: Lemon truffles!?

Zelgadis: Is there something you would like to share with the class, Filia? Oh, chocolates! I hope you brought enough for everybody.

Chibi Filia: Well, yes, there are only four students in this class.

Zelgadis: That's not the point! Throw those away, please.

Chibi Filia: (gets out of her seat and throws the chocolates away, tears streaming down her kawaii little face) You did this just to get me in trouble! I hate you even more!!

Chibi Valgaav: What is up with that woman!?

Chibi Xelloss: Oh, looks like that didn't work either! But never fear, I have yet another plan! I've been studying how to get a girl on TV... this little tecnique comes from a show called Boy Meets World and it can't fail--

Chibi Valgaav: Screw your plans! I'm going to do what I want to for once!

Chibi Xelloss: Suit yourself. But don't come crying to me when you blow it yet again.

Chibi Valgaav bides his time until recess, and roams the playground, trying to find something to cheer Chibi Filia up. Spotting a bright yellow patch of wildflowers on the grass, he smiles and picks a small boquet of them for Fi-chan. Just then he is confronted by Gourry-sama.

Gourry: I want a rematch! You can't break a crayon in half and count that as two! That's cheating, dude! I'm still convinced that I'm the greatest crayon-eater there ever was! Better than Lina even!

Chibi Valgaav: You're on! (he sets his flowers at the trunk of a tree, telling himself he'll remember them)

Chibi Xelloss: (he sits in the tree, watching Chibi Valgaav with a little smile) Oh goody! Another chance to wreak havoc! (he slides down the tree trunk, taking a perfume bottle out of his jacket pocket.) With just one spray of "Eau de Gaav" this will make the skunks flee in terror! When Filia gets a whiff of this, she'll hate Valgaav forever! Ah, he's coming back! (he sprays the boquet and teleports back to the treebranch)

Chibi Valgaav: ...He thinks he's so great just because he can eat eighty-four lousy crayons... I have to find out his secret... it must be all that paste... (he picks up the boquet and holds it away from his nose) Why does this smell like Gaav-sama? Oh my god, what was I thinking!? Filia is allergic to daffodils! It's daisys she likes! Oh good, there's some over there. (he throws his previous boquet away and picks the daisys.)

Chibi Xelloss: @$^*#&!!

At that moment the bell rang and the class of Saillune Kindergarten assembled. As Zelgadis addressed the class about the pythagorean theorem, Chibi Valgaav handed his boquet to Chibi Filia with his best puppy-dog face.

Chibi Valgaav: Filia, will you please forgive me?

Chibi Filia: You don't need to be sorry, Valgaav! I was just doing that to get stuff from you!

Chibi Valgaav: What!?

Chibi Filia: Oh... nothing. Of course I forgive you!

The two kawaii ryuzoku hug yet again, making Xelloss turn slightly green and Zelgadis slightly red. Gourry is multicolored, but that could just be from all the crayons. The bell rings and the students pack up to leave, leaving Gourry with a stomach ache.

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