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Well it looks like you've found my webpage, and welcome! My name is Jennifer and I am nineteen years old. Do you realize how scary of a thing that is for me? I haven't wanted to be any other age than sixteen. Ever since the age of sixteen I have not wanted to become any older, but I guess the opportunity has been a good one. My life has been a living rollercoaster, but I guess that is all a part of becoming older. Which is the part I honestly did not want to happen. Now that I am in the living rollercoaster I can't leave until I die. So this is my theory, who cares what people think of me, and what I do, as long as I don't think it's wrong, who else should tell me otherwise about how to live MY life? The other person in the photo is Russell. He was my date to homecoming. Anyway, I enjoy doing many outdoor sports like luging, skeleton boarding, snowboarding (even though I am still slowly learning how to), horseback riding (bareback and with a saddle), rollerblading, bowling, walking, hiking, ice skating, and many others. Some other types of things I like to do in my spare time are writing poetry, doing many different types of artwork, working on my webpages, meeting new people, hanging out with my friends, and lots of different types of things.


Jennifer's Picture and Artwork Page-Here are some of my artworks.

Jennifer's Main Page Through Talkcity-My main page through talkcity.

Jennifer's Second Page Through Talkcity-My second page through talkcity.

Jennifer's Poetry Page-This is a page of some poetry I have written, but will not be kept up to date.

Birthday present to Mark-Mark K's poetry he has written*updated 3-1-01*

Jennifer's poetry-My poetry page*updated 4-4-01*

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