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              Text Box: Word of Life Ministries Invites you to our Multicultural Christian Fellowship






Text Box: Watch us on these Television Stations:
Raleigh Cable TV 22     Thursdays at 8:00 pm
Durham Cable TV 8      Mondays at 11:30 am
Place of Worship:          Time of Meeting:
         YWCA             Miracle and Healing Service
  1012 Oberlin Road           Sundays at 7:00pm
              Raleigh, NC 27605
Contact Information
Pastor Frimpong Kwame Nyanor
Phone:  (919) 661-2425
EMAIL For Prayer:
Text Box: Preaching, Teaching, Publishing
        Author of book: “Overcoming offenses in the 21st Century Church.”
145 Village Green Trail
Garner, NC 27529
Phone: (919) 661-2425
 Many men of God have prophesized about the   coming revival.  I also     believe that this is a revival that is going to affect the whole world; however, I  believe that you and I have got to prepare ourselves.  We need to get rid of all the bitterness and grudges that are hidden in our hearts.  I believe that the move of God will not come upon us until we turn away from sin. 
 II Chro.  7:14                 
Pastor: Kwame Frimrong