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My Site!

I am a 30 yr. old male from Pembroke, N.C. and I am currently attending UNC Pembroke. I am trying to get my Computer Science Degree. I am in my Junior year and very ready to get done so I can move away from this area. Seems like the longer someone lives here the more the more they are stuck in theis hole. I would really like to move to a large city somewhere here in North Carolina, but I would take a job out of the state if need be. I would like to program games with my degree, but I don't know how that would turn out.


I play alot of ganes in my spare time and I know they can be very addictive, but there is nothing else to do hear. I will be going to summer school this year and will also be going to the beach every chance I get. If you like you can visit some of my favorite sites I like to go to such as:

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