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Excel dsc 109

DSC 109 Test 
assumptions: sales growth 0.2
quarter 1 quarter 2 quarter 3 quarter 4 total for year
Sales $97,000.00 $116,400.00 $139,680.00 $167,616.00 $520,696.00
Rent 4500 4500 4500 4500
Salaries 3000 3000 5000 6000
Misc. 1200 800 900 900
Total Expenses 8700 8300 10400 11400 38800
profit $88,300.00 $108,100.00 $129,280.00 $156,216.00 $481,896.00
average expense $9,700.00
type your name in B2
compute total expenses for quarters 1 to 4
convert 0.2 in I4 to the percentage format with one decimal place
Quarter 2 sales are 20% more than quarter 1, quarter 3 sales 20% more than quarter 2, quarter 4 sales 20% more than quarter 3
create a formula for quarter 2 sales that is 20% more than quarter 1 sales
Include absolute cell reference to 20% in I4 in your formula.  
Smartfill this formula to quarters 3 and 4
Compute total for year for sales, expenses, and profit
Format your data in a professional manner
Include name boxes for total expenses and sales
Make sure "profit" and "total for year" data are in currency format
Include a comment box for "total for year sales" that states "20% increase for each quarter"
Include a 3D pie graph that shows total expenses for the year for rent, salaries and misc.
Include chart title:  Breakdown of Expenses
Include a shadow box around the title
Include expense items on graph in legend
Show label and percent on your pie graph
Explode the misc. expense in your pie graph
Move and resize the graph directly beneath your data
post this document on your web page