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"Hey there Maddie, you want a ride?" Brice called as he drove up along side Madison. Madison smiled when she recognised him. She walked over to the car and opened the passenger door.

"Sure, where you going?" She asked as she sat down in the seat and closed the door.

"Well, where were you headed?" Brice asked. Madison grinned.

"Do you really need to know the answer to that?" She asked. Brice smiled.

"Lemme guess, Aaron's?" He asked. Madison thought she heard a trace of bitterness in his voice as they drove. She shrugged it off and then sat back in the seat.

"Yeah... he couldn't pick me up cause his cars at the mechanics... also, it's a nice day for walking, but thankyou for stopping" She said. Brice and Madison had practically grown up with each other. Their families had been friends for years and during their early teenage years, Brice had developed a crush on Madison that had lasted up until now. Madison was 17 and Brice was 19. Brice had asked Madison on numerous dates but she had always declined. And now, she had a boyfriend. Aaron. He was Madison's age and went to her school. Brice thought she could do so much better than Aaron, she could have him if she wanted.

"Likely excuse.... he's just to lazy to come get you" Brice said. Madison laughed even though Brice was being serious.

"Anyway, where you off to?" Madison asked, starting to feel a little uncomfortable with the way Brice kept on glancing at her. It was summer so Madison only had on a pair of short, green cargo shorts and a grey singlet top with a pair of black adidas shoes. Her long dark hair was left down, hanging to just above her waist.

"Just driving around... thought about heading on over to Ikes place soon... his family are away for the weekend so he's got the place to himself"

"Oh well, that should be fun... we both know what I think of Isaac" Madison said, screwing up her small nose. Brice was quiet. They drove in silence for a while and Madison noticed that Brice was not going towards Aaron's house. "Brice, Aaron's house is the other way" She pointed out. Brice nodded.

"I know... I'm not going to Aaron's house, I thought maybe we could both go over to Ikes" He said. Isaac lived about fifteen minutes out of the main town, more into the wooded area. Madison smiled.

"Um... well... Aaron is expecting me"

"Call him and tell him that you cant make it when we get to Ikes house" Brice said. It wasn't a suggestion, it was more like a demand. Madison stopped smiling and began to get worried. Brice had never acted this way before and he was scaring her.

"Brice... I don't want to go to Isaac's house... now could you turn the car around and take me to Aaron's?" She said. Brice suddenly turned the car down a dirt road and drove very fast. Madison was literally lifted off of the seat when the car went over the bumps in the road. She had no idea where Brice was taking her.

"I'm not going to do that Maddie... you're always spending time with him now... never any time with me" He said. Madison looked at Brice, confused.

"We've never spent 'time' together Brice... just at family stuff" She said.

"And you're never there anymore so I never get to see you. It's enough that you wont go out with me, but to rub it in my face that you have a boyfriend? Don't you think thats a bit heartless Maddie? huh? don't you?" He asked, rasing his voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about! I wont go out with you because it will ruin the friendship we have-"

"That's bullshit!"

"No it's not! I really value you as a great friend..... where are you taking me?"

"You'll see... it's time for me now Maddie... time for some fun... I'm sick of hearing about Aaron and how he's so fucking perfect...." Brice said. Madison felt fear grip her heart. She had no idea where she was going and no idea what Brice intended to do. It was like he had just suddenly gone nuts.. like he had snapped. Finally Brice breaked, making Madison fall forward and hit her head on the windscreen. His seat belts weren't very good and didn't offer much protection. Her head began to throb and she cried out in pain when Brice grabbed her hair and roughly pulled her over so that her face was in his lap. Madison started to sob as the thought of what was going to happen came to her.

"Don't do this Brice... please" She said through her tears.

"Don't cry Maddie... this is gonna be fun... just great... you and me, alone with all the time in the world!" Brice said before he raised Madison's head and kissed her. Madison pulled her head away.

"Stop it!" She cried.

"Stop it" Brice mimiked her, starting to get angry. He kissed her again and when she pulled away for a second time, he punched her hard in the face. The blow nearly knocked her out and her head started to spin.

"Brice, please..... just take me home... I won't tell anyone.... please" Madison pleaded. Brick snickered.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure.... the first thing you'll do is go running to Aaron."

"No, I wont... I promise.. Brice, don't do this.."

"Shut up! This is MY time now! I'm going to do what the fuck I wan't to do! So shut your fucking mouth bitch!" Brice yelled, hitting her again. That knocked her out cold and she fell limp. When Madison came to, the car was moving and everything was dark. She couldn't move her hands or feet. They were bound together and she could feel tape across her eyes and mouth. She had no idea on where Brice was going or what he had done to her while she was unconscious. One thing she did know, she had never been more scared for her life.
