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Mo's Big Website O' Fun

By the author of the highly renowned
"The Conservative View By Mo' Shmo"
PLUS my newest endeavor here!

Hello, How are you, and Welcome to my site. My name is, well my name is not important. You can call me Mo' if you like. Yes, Mo' will work just fine. I live in Wake Forest, North Carolina but I attended Franklinton High School in, you guessed it, Franklinton, NC, population- 8. Now, if you look at a map of the state of North Carolina, you'll see that these two cities are not really close to each other. In fact, they're not even in the same county, but again let me remind you that you are looking at a map of the state of NORTH CAROLINA, Education Ranking- 49. I needn't say anymore. But that's all in the past now. Today I'm living it up at NC State University in Raleigh, North Carolina studying mechanical engineering. Well, back to my site. I basically designed it to show what I think about, or just find interesting. It's no but hey I'm working on it. It's not a site that complains about everything, except Al Gore, whom I despise. I try not to get caught up talking about whales in third world countries either. Sorry, you're in the wrong place if that's what you're in the market for. I consider myself a right wing-conservative, but then again I have a few radical opinions. Wait, what?Well, I think I've introduced enough, sooo....

Let's Go
