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Zebuxoruk · The Forsaken
Zebuxoruk is neither evil nor good. Legends place him as evil and other legends untold place him on the side of good. To the other deities, they ALL dislike him or simply couldn't care less.

Zebuxoruk was at some time in the form of mortal man and trod upon the surface of Norrath after escaping the Plane of Justice or the Void. Mortality was either something forced upon him or something he may have wished for.

Zebuxoruk is known as the Forsaken One, The Disgraced and other such names among the pantheon of deities and heroes of the Outer Planes of Influence. There is said to be a hidden city on Norrath that honor, not worship, the 'Ungod', Zebuxoruk.

Something not even he truly cares for. This city has knowledge of his history both true and false and the community is mostly comprised of fallen priests, shadowknight, paladins, any who have been forsaken by thier deities and either seek a pathway back or seek true neutrality among the planes and and understanding that the deities are more mortal than they think.