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~Poems and Letters by Pinkie~

To My Son ~ with Love

I am sitting here tonight reflecting on my life and want you to know that I did not know what true joy and happiness were until the moment you were laid in my arms... From that moment on, my life was changed and I was never the same.

For your little life gave my life meaning and purpose, and my heart swelled with pride each day, just to look at you. I loved to watch you sleep, and see the dewey sweat of slumber on your tiny mouth, and listen to you sigh in sweet dreams...

I can still remember kissing you until you were most irritated with me, but unable to control my compulsion to continue, I did it anyway... Your beautiful, precious face, hands, feet, belly and yes, even your little butt...

Your first haircut, your first step, your first word and all of your other firsts were the things that mattered most to me then, and funny how after all these years, the memories are just as important to me now as the making of the memories were at the time.

I look at you now and my heart nearly bursts with love for you. The love I have for you knows no limit. I see that you have become a man... and at times I am still compelled to irritate, but, wonderful Son,

I want you to know how much I love you.

I see a young man who has found the courage to remain strong through many difficult times... A man who has discovered what he is good at doing... a man who is turning dreams into reality for himself.

And again my heart bursts with pride and love for you...and I want to believe that a part of me will live in you and in your family in the years to come... Remain close to your family, Sweetheart, for we love you so.

I know that the "going" has not always been easy for us, and probably never will, But I have a peace in my heart that I did not always know... for I believe that you have become a man who is able to lead his life to the fullest... A man who is appreciative of all that he has and knows that some things are simply not important at all.

And I see a man who is honest and speaks the truth... who works very hard to achieve successes, and has the respect of those who know him.

What more could any Mother want?

You bless my life...

Nothing could ever change this love I have for you, for you are my son.

I miss your laughter and the way you are able to make me laugh when we are not together... and I miss not being able to share a lot of the little things every day with you, but every day you are with me, because you are in my heart.

With love,

Your Mother

Like Time...

As the days go by, and the moments drift away...

And the hours that are precious disappear~

I find that I reach out for you...

and long to hold you close to me~

And then I feel the tears...

So warm upon my face~

And then, I realize, like time you have gone...

And I cannot have you again.



The doctor said, "you'll lose your hair."

I asked, "Will I be BALD??"

When he replied, "Yes, you will."

I left his office and squalled!

My "Crowning Glory"...

I liked my hair,

(although I'd wished it red).

I had always had it, it belonged to ME,

It belonged on top MY HEAD!

Before the day of its demise,

I vowed I'd be prepared.

My family understood all this- and just because they cared-

They said, "O.K, let's go get that wig!

So when "it" happens, you won't give a fig!

You'll be ready! Not one day, will your head be bare!

We'll take care of that,we will -

We'll just go buy you hair!"

So off we went, my mind was set

This would not get me down!

I tried at least a dozen wigs...

and settled with a frown.

It wasn't me~

It looked O.K...

Some said it looked "just fine"...

It didn't matter what they said!


It sat upon that styrofoam head

and stared at me for hours.

And then one morning my hair fell out...

I lost it in the shower.

It was not as I expected

It was faster than I'd thought

It came right out in great big hunks!

Could have made that wig we'd bought!

And soon I took that "lovely" thing

And placed it on my head

It was a FAKE!

but a great match...

for a squirrel who is dead!

I could not wear that blasted thing!

It itched, I scratched...

but I tried.

Folks would say, "It looks just great!".

But, I know they lied...

It looked ridiculous to me

It didn't fit quite right

I placed it on that styrofoam head,

and put it out of sight!

I'd never seen my head before!

I looked just like my Dad!

Convinced myself, I liked my head!

Bald was not so bad...

I packed away the curling iron~

the blow dryer, it went.

and for those months-

not one thin dime on shampoo was spent!

The time I saved...

Oh, what a joy!

To get out of the shower

and be ready, set to go, in less than half an hour!

I had it made, I liked it more than I'd have ever thought...

and to this day, I wonder why that goofy wig I'd bought!

And now my hair has grown back in

It's curlier than ever.

But I miss BALD!

It felt so good, and even in bad weather...

The rain had not messed up my "do",

The wind could never blow it!

And as it started growing back, I didn't want to grow it!

There are many things we do each day

that take our precious time.

And when I think of "doing hair",

I think it's just a crime!

Ladies we should SHAVE OUR HEADS!

Hair-dos are a curse!

I'll shave mine, if you shave yours...

but how 'bout -




Get down off that table!

You may NOT go outside...

If you drag out all those toys again,

I'm going to tan your hide!

No, you may not have a snack -

It will spoil your lunch.

Have you been in the toilet?

I just have a hunch...

There's water on the bathroom floor.

I did not put it there!

You are working me to death!

and I don't think you care.

When are you going to behave?

Whatever must I do?

You may NOT have my make-up brush...

Hey! Those are my new shoes!

Quit jumping on the furniture...

You know that isn't nice.

How can I keep this house straight?

Don't make me tell you twice!

You know I'm fixing dinner..

Stay out from underfoot.

You're going to make me break my neck!

Who do you think will cook?

I know you hate to take a bath

But you must get it done

We'll watch T.V. if you are good...

C'mon we'll make it fun.

Now doesn't that feel better?

Twas' no reason to be mean.

Why did you put up such a fuss?

You smell so sweet and clean.

Don't you touch those electrical cords!

Stay away from that fan!

I told you bumblebees would sting,

and now you know they can!

Just wait 'til I've finished dinner

You're going to be in trouble!

I'd make myself scarce if I were you...

and do it on the double!

I thought I had an "empty nest"

My children had "grown-up"

But then I started over -

with two kittens and a pup!

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