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This page will include updates and future events. Right now, there isn't much going on either world.

Friday, the 18th: The Trupletas got to hang out!
Finally, another reunion! It was like 2 or 3 weeks since we seen each other last. Jenna got a car wash on Thursday and paid 20 dollars for it to rain the next day. We went and walked on Rodeo Drive and drove around. We also went to Nicks video locations for Help Me again. We met two interesting men who called us 'platas" Don't ask. LOL We also filmed our first documentary

* We are going to hang out this Friday in Los Angeles. We might go and see "How to Deal" w/ Mandy Moore. The day is still undecided. Maybe we will spot Nick strolling the streets J/k

* Teen Choice Awards are coming up: August 6th...we may attend.

* Jenna went shopping at the mall on Monday and bought an outfit for Friday:
-Tall (soda) white flip flops
-A white tank top
(i already have a baby pink skirt that i am wearing and these pink glasses)
-Jenna and her sister also got pedicures at the mall (pink toes)
-She also bought a pink cell phone cover

*Friday, the Trupletas are going to film their first documentary! Hopefully we will be able to upload it onto the computer...not for sure how, but we are going to try.

* More UpDates to come!
