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Trupletas "Hanging Out"

Finally! We've got some new pictures! *yah* LOL...
Only a few pictures are posted here on the site, please visit webshots (the link is below) for more pictures k?

Karina, Jenna and Ariana
::sitting on Jennas civic::

Ariana, Karina, and Jenna

Charlies Angels...yet again
...this is our fav. pose...

Ariana, Karina, and Jenna
Ticket to Nicks Concert: $35
Gas Money: $18
*Hollywood Outfit*: $60
Arianas' face in this pic: PRICELESS

Karina, Jenna, and Ariana

Ballet Pose
Karina, Ariana, and Jenna


Nick's help me video location

The Wall

Webshots Album:
Trupletas hanging out
(click on the photo album titled: trupletas hanging out)

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