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Nathan Camp


Hello and welcome to my homepage!  It's simple, but you might as well poke around and have a look, no?

Websites Worth Checking Out

Photogragphic Links

Since it seemed a little too presumptuous to have only pictures of me on my website, I added some other fun links. Of course the mere fact that I'm using some land's coal or oil in the form of electricity to power my computer and the Lycos diskdrive and your computer so you could read my page about me is pretty darn egotistical in it's own right.

Pictures of Me and My Friends

Pictures of Wet Things

Pictures of Big Metal Things

My Schools' Websites

I give much thanks for all the fine schooling (Quaker and otherwise) that I have received over the years. These institutions have helped me become what I am: a fine, educated, tall, rich, sexy, hunk of personness.

Media-Providence Friends School - My First School
Friends Select School - My High School
Wesleyan University - My College
University of Hawai'i Manoa - Graduate School
East-West Center - Place of Funding and Fun

Other Nathan-Related Stuff

It's all about me once again in this section. If you're thinking about hiring me or just want to learn more check out the Formal Version for printing or the clickable Interactive one. The last item proves that I'm a wizard when it comes to text, tables, and the earth.

My Resume - Interactive Version

My Resume - Formal Version

Another Modest Webpage I Helped Make


Looking for More Fun Stuff? Click Here if You're Using Internet Explorer

Archive My Special Holiday Greeting to You! (New Year 2002)
Dari Dulu Surat Musim Hari Raya Khusus untuk Anda! (Tahun Baru 2002)

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook -- It Rocks!!!

Okay, freakazoid, thanks for visiting. Check back later to see if I've made it any better! Keep in touch, now. Mahalo!