# 01 [ One ]


win [ 23 ]

lose [ 33 ]

draw [ 0 ]

versus [ Cody Rhodes ]

Billy Kidman..Triple H..Chris Harris...James Storm..Christian Cage...Raven.. AJ Styles..Alex Shelley..Rey Mysterio[2x]..X-Pac..Chavo Guerrero..AJ Styles 

<< ECE >>
king of the world Chris Jericho
CM Punk vs John Cena vs Jeff Jarrett  vs  Sting vs Randy Orton vs Kurt Angle

[ Best in the World!!!

The Best In...

PROLOGUE - Last week X RATED lived up to it's name when CM Punk took on Randy Orton, John Cena, Kurt Angle, Sting, and Jeff Jarrett. All men put all their energy, blood, sweat, and tears into that match and in the end...It was the same. That's right, the match ended the same. CM Punk got screwed. Now we move on to this weeks X Rated in which CM Punk will go one on one with Dashing Cody Rhodes..Punk, who undoubtedly still has Kurt Angle on his mind, will have to put that on the back burner and focus on a very dangerous Cody Rhodes. Who will get the upperhand? Only time, and X Rated...Will...Tell.

... The World!

START SCENE - We open up the scene inside undisclosed club near Erie, Pennsylvania. The music is rocking, the drinks are fine, and the girls are even finer. People having the time of their lives on what seems to be the most popular nightspot in Pennsylvania. We scan the crowd and walk through the club focusing on many people. We get to the back where the quite spots and tables can be found. Most of the tables are taken but they're only used for make-out spots or to have sex. But one table is different, one table contains The Best In the World, The Voice of the Voiceless, the Straight Edge Superstar, the Saviour...CM Punk. We see Jericho sitting alone with 2 empty glasses beside him as he just looks down, almost spacing out. He folds his hands and puts them under his chin for support. He looks down the drink, club soda ofcourse, to see if there is any left, when he sees that theres none left he looks away into the dancing crowd. Suddenly, a female hanging out from the club approaches him and taps him on the shoulder.

'Here For A Good Time' Monica Smith: Hiya' cutie...

MID SCENE - Punk shifts his body sideways and looks back at the beautiful women. He smiles and nods his head not saying a word.

'Here For A Good Time' Monica Smith: You mind if I sit down?

'Best In the World' CM Punk: No, not at all.

MID SCENE - The women takes a sip of her drink, walks around the table and sits on the opposite side of Punk. She sits down slowly and bends over almost looking like she did it on purpose to show Punk her clevage. She takes another sip of her drink and plays with her straw, licking it and sucking it.

'Here For A Good Time' Monica Smith: Hi, im Monica.......You got a name?

'Best In the World' CM Punk: The name's Philip Brooks.... But people call me CM Punk.

'Here For A Good Time' Monica Smith: Oh, thats sexy. Philip...Brooks, I like that. Hehe, so how are you doin' tonight Philip?

'Best In the World' CM Punk: I'm dealing with some issues right now, you wouldn't understand lady...

'Here For A Good Time' Monica Smith: I wouldn't understand? Try me...

'Best In the World' CM Punk: Alright, I will...Have you ever been in a match against a freak, a stone cold wannabe', and a Steroid pumpin bastard ?! HUH?! HAVE YA'?!

'Here For A Good Time' Monica Smith: Well no, but I-

'Best In the World' CM Punk: Let me ask you something, Monica was it? Monica, do you like Screwdrivers?

'Here For A Good Time' Monica Smith: Oh yeah, I love them!

'Best In the World' CM Punk: Yeah? Well why don't you screwdrive your ass on out of here...

MID SCENE - Monica gets a shocked look on her face, then an angry look. She gets up from the table in urgency and stomps off. Punk smirks as she walks off in disgust. Another soda is brought to Punk and he immiediatly chugs it down. He takes a deep breath and whipes his mouth.

'Best In the World' CM Punk: Legacy...You boys have no idea what you're getting yourselves into. You think you can just parade around like your some kind of king? I don't think so. You haven't accomplished anything untill you've beatin me! Because the way I see it, I am a former WWE Champion; None of you have ever done anything remotley even close to what I have accomplished. Just incase your having trouble, let me break it down for you...

MID SCENE - Punk stops and stares at two girls who walk by his table talking to each other.

'Best In the World' CM Punk: Cody Rhodes. Ah yes, the Frankenstein freak. Cody, Cody, Cody...Where did your parents go wrong? Were you a fat little butter ball when you were a baby? I bet you were. I bet you were the little fat kid in school that always got his lunch money stolen and got picked on. I bet you got shoved into locker on a daily basis, didn't you porky?! Out of all people, you chose to hangout with Ted Dibiase? What kind of malarkey is that? I just don't understand your concept...You don't like people yet you hang around the three suckiest of the bunch? What kind of bullcrap is that? Talk all you want but I ain't buying a word of it. Do you actually think all the fans will believe you? Face it Rhodes, you're nothing but a liar...A fraud...And a cheepskate and Cody, CM Punk is going to prove it to you come Saturday night! Thats right, im gonna' give you the ass-whooping of your life and I won't stop until you go back to eating ice cream, cookies, potatoe chips, candy, and soda!...NON DIET! That's right freak, I said it...Regular soda! At X Rated you will fall to the hands of CM Punk, Cody, and you can count on that!

MID SCENE - Punk bites his bottom lip as another drink is brought to him, he continues to speak.

'Best In the World' CM Punk: Cody Rhodes, whats with your name anyway? The only things you are is a sick, twisted, son of a bitch who should be locked up in the zoo and put up as the special attraction! YOU BELONG IN THE CIRCUS! LOOK AT YA' YOU FREAK! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! You think that just because you can wear some pants that are 3 sizes too small, make funny noises, and the fact that you call yourself Dashing makes you someone? Rhodes, you ain't no one! Your Cody Rhodes, some rookioe who will get whats coming to him at X Rated. You're not even a wrestler Cody. You're an embarrassment to pro wrestling, you're an embarassment to the ECE, and most of you...You're an embarrassment to ME! Admit it Cody, you haven't wrestled a day in your life. You're a brawler, a freak if you will. Just like Goldust, your brother, and just like your father. You havn't achieved success by yourself a day in your LIFE..First,there was Dusty ,then there was Randy Orton,now it's just Ted Dibiase to get you where you are...Who does that sound like? YOU! You don't even deserve to be in the same ring as me, you should be on some movie set doing stunts for George Clooney! Rhodes, a lot of people may fear you and your Crossrhodes...Well pal, CM Punk ain't afriad of nothin' and noboday'! and you will find out why at X Rated!

MID SCENE - Punk adjusts his whole body and gets down low.

'Best In the World' CM Punk: Ya see...Last week was nothing...Last week was childsplay because when we meet in that ring on saturday, im coming after you Cody...Nevermind your freak of a family, I want you and you only. Cody, listen to me closley when I say this...I'm bringing you to hell and back Rhodes. You thought you saw CM Punk last week? You ain't seen nothin' yet Cody. Just look at you, you're a neusense to society...But no worries, im going to put an end to you and your career in just a matter of days. It just boggles my mind how someone as stupid as you gets through in life, talk about dumb blondes...You make Stephanie McMahon look like Albert Einstein. You wanna' flap those gums of yours like your some big shot? Well I don't think your a big shot, hell...I don't think your even the crap under my foot. Face facts Cody, you're only a success in wrestling because of Dusty Rhodes. Yeah, if it wasn't for Him you'd still be asking, "Durr, wood u lyk friz wit dat?!" Ya' know Rhodes...We've been through the best of times, we've been through the worst of times, and we've been through the bloodiest times and at X Rated it won't be any different. With all things said I can't forget saturday when your truley makes you tapout again.! You will find out EXACTLY why I Am the Best in the World!

END SCENE - With that said CM Punk smirks and chugs down another drink that was left on the table. He gets up, throws some money on table and walks into the crowd as we fade to static then black.

.. Destiny Fulfilled ..
Man Of Many Talents
[ extreme championship entertainment ]  X Division Champion[4x]...Best Champion[1x].