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1925 Souvenir Booklet of Tacoma's

First Norwegian Lutheran Church

The booklet whose cover is shown above was published in 1925 by the First Norwegian Lutheran Church in Tacoma, Washington on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the church. Although founded in 1885 under the name of Our Savior's Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, the name was changed in 1887.

Three of the original founders of the church are shown here. On the left is A. Strubstad, in the center is S. O. Moe, and John Wolland is on the right. At the time of its organization the congregation consisted of just 10 adults and 9 children.

By 1925, the congregation had grown to 458 members, including my father, my grandmother and grandfather (who met there), my great grandfather, and a great aunt.

The church became Messiah Lutheran Church in 1938, then merged with another church in 1959 to become Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Finally, reflecting Tacoma's changing demographics, the building was sold to another congregation and became Shiloh Baptist Church in 1965.

(Sunday April 26, 1925)
Upper row, left to right - Board of Trustees: - O. C. Anderson, P. Haaland, Theo S. Buringrud, Paul Quam and S. Johnson (C. I. Kirkeide not in picture).
Middle row, left to right - Board of Deacons: - A. Ellingsen, S. S. Oksness, O. J. Heggerness, O. J. Rollevson, John Naverdal and T. Larson.
Lower row, left to right - Theo. Anderson, S. S. Supt; Miss Hattie Ydstie, financial secretary; Rev. Olaf Holen, Pastor and chairman of congregation; A. Stang, vice-president; M. C. Sivertson, recording secretary and L. Gammersvik, treasurer.

Sunday morning services were held in Norwegian; Sunday evening services were in English. Sunday School was held every Sunday in English although children who wished to study in Norwegian were given the opportunity. Prayer meetings were held every Thursday evening. Societies within the congregation included the Ladies Aid Society, the Young Ladies Society, the Jewish Mission Society and the Pioneer Boys Club. The church had a choir and an organist.

The first pastor of the church was the Rev. I. Tollefson (left), who served from July 10, 1887 through June 3, 1894. During this time the land at South Twelfth and "I" Street was purchased, and construction on the building was begun in 1888. He was followed by Rev. O. I. Satre (shown at right), who moved into the first parsonage the congregation had built, in back of the church. Rev. Satre preached his last sermon on June 6, 1897.

Rev. N. J. Ellestad then served on a temporary basis until Rev. E. B. Slettedahl (left) came in 1898. By this time the salary had been increased from $450 to $500 a year(!) The congregation continued to grow and the church was enlarged and rebuilt in 1903-04. Rev. Slettedahl preached his last sermon on March 18, 1906. Rev. Oluf Glasoe then served temporarily.

Rev. Peter Dreyer (shown at right) served as pastor from June 24, 1906, to March 31, 1907, at a salary of $720 a year. Rev. J. Skaar then served as a temporary pastor for seven months, until Rev. J. O. Hougen (below left) arrived in November, 1907, and was soon able to move into a new parsonage that the congregation had built. The salary had by then been increased to $900 a year. Rev. Hougen served for 8 and a half years, the longest any pastor had served up to that time.

Rev. Olaf Holen (shown below with his wife and son) began serving in 1917, preaching his introductory sermon on New Years Day of that year. He was still serving as pastor in 1925, when the Fortieth Anniversary Souvenir Booklet was published. Rev. O. J. Ordal served the congregation for 7½ months in 1923, however, when Rev. Holen and his family made a trip to Europe.

All told, in the forty years between 1885 and 1925, 3848 services were conducted, 1423 persons were baptized, 424 were confirmed, there were 8045 communicants, 648 couples were married, and there were 343 burials. Clearly the church was an important and vital part of life in the United States for its Norwegian parishioners.


Below is a list of the members of the church as of 1925, with their addresses. I have copied the names and addresses as they were printed, although one or two appear as if they may have been spelled incorrectly. Note that some members did not live in Tacoma or even in Washington State.

Alsgaard, M. L. Milton, Wash.
Alsgaard, Mrs. Anna Marie Milton, Wash.
Alsgaard, Nell C. Milton, Wash.
Andersen, John G. 1923 So. Adams Street
Andersen, Mrs. Gertie Johanna 1923 So. Adams Street
Andersen, Alton Jessmar 1923 So. Adams Street
Anderson, Mrs. Bella R. (nee Septon) 1502 So. Adams Street
Anderson, Andrew 2302 So. "L" Street
Anderson, Mrs. Petrine 2302 So. "L" Street
Anderson, K. K. 1219½ So. "G" Street
Anderson, Mrs. Caroline 1219½ So. "G" Street
Anderson, Harry Daniel 1219½ So. "G" Street
Anderson, Oscar C. 2035 So. 8th Street
Anderson, Mrs. Marie 2035 So. 8th Street
Anderson, Carl O. 2035 So. 8th Street
Anderson, Edith C. 2035 So. 8th Street
Anderson, Laurine A. 2035 So. 8th Street
Anderson, Olaf E. 2035 So. 8th Street
Anderson, Norman D. 2035 So. 8th Street
Anderson, Burns Merlin 2035 So. 8th Street
Anderson, Oscar Kenneth 2035 So. 8th Street
Anderson, Theodor 1819 So. Washington Street
Anderson, Mrs. Martha C. 1819 So. Washington Street
Anderson, Evelyn S. C. 1819 So. Washington Street
Anderson, Theola M. 1819 So. Washington Street
Anderson, Theo M. 2123 So. "K" Street
Anderson, Mrs. Dina 2123 So. "K" Street
Anderson, Anna M. 2123 So. "K" Street
Anderson, Clifton A. 2123 So. "K" Street
Anderson, Ruth A. J. 2123 So. "K" Street
Anderson, Dorthea K. J. 2123 So. "K" Street
Anderson, Mrs. Anna 927 So. Cushman Street
Anderson, Stanley J. 927 So. Cushman Street
Baird, Mrs. Alphild Van Du Pont, Wash.
Bergoust, J. J. 710 No. Cushman Street
Bergoust, Mrs. Helen Marie 710 No. Cushman Street
Bernhoft, O. R. Ketchikan, Alaska
Bernhoft, Mrs.Laura M. Ketchikan, Alaska
Birkrem, Edward 2117 So. "K" Street
Birkrem, Mrs. Petra 2117 So. "K" Street
Birkrem, Caspara 2117 So. "K" Street
Bjornhus, Miss Anna  
Brynstad, Mrs. Marie 1014 So. Pine Street
Brynstad, Melvin J. 1014 So. Pine Street
Buringrud, Theo. S. 3011 No. 24th Street
Buringrud, Mrs. Else 3011 No. 24th Street
Buringrud, Amy C. 3011 No. 24th Street
Buringrud, Elmore S. 3011 No. 24th Street
Burnson, Samuel 3423 Monroe Street
Burnson, Mrs. Elfrida A. 3423 Monroe Street
Burnson, Arnold R. 3423 Monroe Street
Burnson, Harold Samuel 3423 Monroe Street
Carlson, Mrs. Inga 1515 So. 11th Street
Carlson, O. J. 1407 No. Prospect Street
Carlson, Mrs. Emma C. 1407 No. Prospect Street
Carlson, Lyman B. 1407 No. Prospect Street
Christianson, Mrs. Agnethe 240 So. 78th Street
Christianson, Aksel C. 240 So. 78th Street
Christianson, Ludvig 240 So. 78th Street
Christianson, Oscar 240 So. 78th Street
Christianson, Olaf 240 So. 78th Street
Christianson, Anton 240 So. 78th Street
Christianson, Bert L. 240 So. 78th Street
Christianson, Adolph T. 240 So. 78th Street
Christianson, Lawrence B. 240 So. 78th Street
Christianson, Casper 1943 So. "L" Street
Christianson, Mrs. Gina 1943 So. "L" Street
Dahl, Emil 4838 So. "M" Street
Dahl, Mrs. Clara Gundra 4838 So. "M" Street
Dahl, Gustav 2149 So. "L" Street
Dahl, Mrs. Lina 2149 So. "L" Street
Dahl, Barton E. Berkeley, Cal.
Dahl, Palma B. 2149 So. "L" Street
Dahl, George O. 2149 So. "L" Street
Dunham, Mrs. Bertha 2534 So. "I" Street
Eliasen, O. C. 1915 So. Washington Street
Eliasen, Oscar E. 1915 So. Washington Street
Ellersen, Edward J. 817 So. 9th Street
Ellersen, Mrs. Augusta H. 817 So. 9th Street
Ellersen, Walter R. 817 So. 9th Street
Ellingsen, Anton 2321 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Ellingsen, Mrs. Hanna 2321 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Ellingsen, Clementia D. 2321 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Ellingsen, A. Herbert 2321 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Ellingsen, Lawrence J. 2321 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Ellingsen, Clifford W. 2321 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Ellingsen, Martin Old People's Home, Seattle, Wash.
Elseth, Miss Myrtle 611 E. Morton Street
Elseth, Mrs. S. P. 611 E. Morton Street
Engoe, Carl 4004 So. "J" Street
Engoe, Mrs. Marie 4004 So. "J" Street
Engoe, Frances Herbert 4328 So. Thompson Street
Engoe, Leo M. 4004 So. "J" Street
Engo, Mrs. Hannah Parkland, Wash.
Engoe, Mrs. Laura E. 916 So. "K" Street
Enos, Mrs. Ida Louise (nee Hansen) 1212 6th Avenue
Farley, Mrs. Margaret B. (nee Moe) 6848 So. Park Ave.
Farstvedt, Mrs. Marit 2358 So. State Street
Felton, Mrs. Ingo E. (nee Wog) 2508 So. Sheridan Street
Fillinger, Gunvald 4311 East "M" Street
Fillinger, George Clifford 4311 East "M" Street
Fillinger, Bertha Maud 4311 East "M" Street
Fillinger, Wilbur Thomas 4311 East "M" Street
Fjetland, Knute 1841 East Sherman Street
Fjetland, Mrs. Marie G. 1841 East Sherman Street
Fjetland, Jacob A. 1841 East Sherman Street
Fjetland, Clarence M. 1841 East Sherman Street
Fjetland, Helen Marie 1841 East Sherman Street
Flodstrom, Mrs. Esther A. 3201 So. 9th Street
Gammersvik, L. 1702 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Gammersvik, Mrs. Lily 1702 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Gammersvik, Hazel C. 1702 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Gammersvik,Evelyn M. 1702 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Gill, Mrs. Johanna 3205 So. 12th Street
Gisness, Miss Carrie 2344½ So. "L" Street
Grevstad, Mrs. Marie 759 S0. 39th Street
Gudmundsen, Mrs. Sigrid 818 So. Yakima Avenue
Gudmundsen, Gertrude A. 818 So. Yakima Avenue
Gudmundsen, Margaret E. 818 So. Yakima Avenue
Gudmundsen, Grace O. 818 So. Yakima Avenue
Gudmundsen, Mabel S. 818 So. Yakima Avenue
Gullesen, Mrs. Nelma 4616 So. "E" Street
Guttormson, O. H. 711 So. Lawrence Street
Guttormson, Mrs. Anna Louise 711 So. Lawrence Street
Guttormson, Marguarete Aileen 711 So. Lawrence Street
Haaland, 1215 So. 21st Street
Haaland, Peter 1215 So. 21st Street
Haaland, Mrs. Minnie 1215 So. 21st Street
Haaland, Phyllis M. 1215 So. 21st Street
Haaland, Richard 1215 So. 21st Street
Haaland, Ruthene C. 1215 So. 21st Street
Hadland, Jacob W. 2341 So. "M" Street
Hadland, June Margarete 2341 So. "M" Street
Hadland, Robert H. 2341 So. "M" Street
Hageness, N. N. 1931 So. Sheridan Street
Hageness, Mrs. Mabelle 1931 So. Sheridan Street
Hageness, Arling S. 1931 So. Sheridan Street
Hageness, Elfrida L. A. 1931 So. Sheridan Street
Hageness, Dagmar A. 1931 So. Sheridan Street
Halseth, John B. 2135 So. "L" Street
Halseth, Mrs. Jenny A. 2135 So. "L" Street
Halseth, Ruth Eleonore 2135 So. "L" Street
Halseth, James Bernard 2135 So. "L" Street
Halseth, Edward Magnar 2135 So. "L" Street
Halvorson, Mrs. Birgit 1314 So. 7th Street
Halvorson, Hannah O. 1314 So. 7th Street
Halvorson, Iver Oscar 1314 So. 7th Street
Hansen, Ludvig 417 So. "L" Street
Hansen, Mrs. Agnethe 417 So. "L" Street
Hansen, Arnold L. 524 E. Division Lane
Hansen, Simon 2346 So. "L" Street
Hansen, Mrs. Anna 2346 So. "L" Street
Hansen, Martha M. Seattle, Wash.
Hansen,Sigwald E. 2346 So. "L" Street
Harbak, Miss Selma 1612 So. "M" Street
Haugen, Arne 3011 No. 24th Street
Haugen, Sverre 4031 So. Tacoma Ave.
Haugen, Ed 3612 So. Sheridan Street
Haugen, Mrs. Gunda J. 3612 So. Sheridan Street
Haugen, Edith Grace 3612 So. Sheridan Street
Haugen, Helen Marie 3612 So. Sheridan Street
Haugen, Dorthy Gurine 3612 So. Sheridan Street
Hays, Mrs. Alphild C. 818 So. Yakima Street
Heggerness,Mrs. Esther 1510 So. 17th Street
Heggerness,Helen Genevieve 1510 So. 17th Street
Heggerness, Ileen Sylvia 1510 So. 17th Street
Heggerness, O. J. 716 No. 2nd Street
Heggerness, Mrs. Regine M. 716 No. 2nd Street
Heggerness, Gunhild E. 716 No. 2nd Street
Heggerness, Kermit C. 716 No. 2nd Street
Heggerness, Oswald R. 716 No. 2nd Street
Hogen, Mrs. Randi 909 So. 11th Street, Apt. C
Hogen, Bessie 909 So. 11th Street, Apt. C
Hogen,Embert S.
Hogen,Roger E. J.
Holdal, Gertrude D. (Mrs. Adams)
Holdal, Arthur
Holden, Mrs. Karen 1128 No. 28th Street
Hustad, A. T. 2148 So. "L" Street
Hustad, Mrs. Anna 2148 So. "L" Street
Hvambsal, O. J. 823 So. Cushman Street
Hvambsal, Mrs. Delia P. 823 So. Cushman Street
Hvambsal, Lois Geraldine Lelia 823 So. Cushman Street
Iverson, Ole 3124 So. 7th Street
Iverson, Mrs. Gurine 3124 So. 7th Street
Iverson, Ruthine 945 Beacon Ave., Los Angeles
Iverson, Olga G. 945 Beacon Ave., Los Angeles
Iverson, Esther 945 Beacon Ave., Los Angeles
Iverson, Stella 3124 So. 7th Street
Iverson, Arnold 3124 So. 7th Street
Iverson, Gladys B. 3124 So. 7th Street
Iverson, Harold N. 3124 So. 7th Street
Isenberg, Mrs. Lina (Christiansen) 6011 So. Sprague Street
Jackson, Donald 1115 So. 23rd Street
Jacobson, John D. 1915 So. Washington Street
Jacobson, Mrs. Elise R. 1915 So. Washington Street
Jacobson,Mrs. Sophia Puyallup, Wash., R.1.
Jacobson, Adolph E. Puyallup, Wash., R.1.
Jecek, Mrs. Olive (nee Wolland) 1204 E. 28th Street
Johnson, Mrs. Christine M. 1037 So. Prospect Street
Johnson, Lovise C. 1037 So. Prospect Street
Johnson, A. C. 8409 So. Thompson Ave.
Johnson, Mrs. Warinne 8409 So. Thompson Ave.
Johnson, Dan Wallace 8409 So. Thompson Ave.
Johnson, J. H. 1610 So. 15th Street
Johnson, Mrs. Petra 1610 So. 15th Street
Johnson, Mrs. Mathilde 1502 So. Adams Street
Johnson, Mildred Georgie 1502 So. Adams Street
Johnson, Miss Mollie C. County Hospital
Johnson, Phillip Puyallup, Wash., R.3, Box 277
Johnson, Ishmal Puyallup, Wash., R.3, Box 277
Johnson, Sivert 1003 No. Adams Street
Johnson, Mrs. Minnie 1003 No. Adams Street
Jonassen, Carl J. 1101 No. 5th Street
Jonassen, Mrs. Clara E. 1101 No. 5th Street
Jordal, Oscar
Kilde, William 3612 So. Madison Street
Kilde, Mrs. Sophie C. 3612 So. Madison Street
Kilde, William Clayton 3612 So. Madison Street
Kittelson, Mrs. Hannah, 1219 So. Prospect Street
Kirkeide, C. I. 4827 6th Ave.
Kirkeide, Mrs. Christine 4827 6th Ave.
Kirkeide, Wm. H. 1015 So. Pine Street
Kirkeide, Mrs. Julia 1015 So. Pine Street
Kirkeide, Vivian Violett Cornelia 1015 So. Pine Street
Kirkeide, Lois Ethel Norine 1015 So. Pine Street
Kirkeide, Avis Vida May 1015 So. Pine Street
Knutson, Edgar 2127 So. "L" Street
Knutson, Sivert 1023 No. Adams Street
Knutson, Mrs. Bertha 1023 No. Adams Street
Knutson, Alfred S. 1023 No. Adams Street
Knutson, Ernest B. 1023 No. Adams Street
Kolstad, Elling 1421 Division Street
Kuno, Mrs. Olga (nee Westbo) Puyallup, Wash., R.3.
Larsen, Mrs. Charlotte 2328 So. Hosmer Street
Larsen, Dagny K. 2328 So. Hosmer Street
Larson, Palmer 910 So. 25th Street
Larson, Sarah
Larson,Thos. 1611 So. "M" Street
Larson, Mrs. Oline 1611 So. "M" Street
Lien, John C. 4616 So. "E" Street
Lien, Mrs. Gudrun B. 4616 So. "E" Street
Lien, Annie Lorraine 4616 So. "E" Street
Lindem, John 611 E. Morton Street
Loen, Andrew A. 1210 So. 16th Street
Loen, Mrs. Mathilde 1210 So. 16th Street
Loen, Albert A. 1210 So. 16th Street
Loen, Ella Amanda 1210 So. 16th Street
Loen, Anna Margit 1210 So. 16th Street
Loen, Alvin Bernhart 1210 So. 16th Street
Lohman, Mrs. Alma 1737 So. Ainsworth Street
Loney, Mrs. Bertha Seattle, Wash.
Lose, Jens 1924½ So. "L" Street
Lose, Mrs. Gunda 1924½ So. "L" Street
Lose, Esther J. 1924½ So. "L" Street
Lund, Anton 1415 So. 14th Street
Lund, Mrs. Ellen 1415 So. 14th Street
Lund, Miss Carrie 1419 So. 14th Street
Lund, Peter 1419 So. 14th Street
Lund, Mrs. Lize R. 1010 So. State Street
Lund, Ruth J. 1010 So. State Street
Mathison, John 4102 No. 13th Street
Mathison, Miss Christine 4102 No. 13th Street
Moe, S. O. 6848 So. Park Ave.
Moe, Mrs. Petrine 6848 So. Park Ave.
Moe, Edna 6848 So. Park Ave.
Mortensen, Morten 4315 No. 30th Street
Mortensen, Mrs. Hilda M. 4315 No. 30th Street
Mortensen, Merton Herold 4315 No. 30th Street
Mortensen, Arthur James 4315 No. 30th Street
Myhre, Alexander 1119 So. 19th Street
Myhre, Mrs. Carrie 1119 So. 19th Street
Myhre, Alvin C. 1119 So. 19th Street
Myhre, Miss Sophia 1013½ So. "J" Street
Naverdal, Jacob 930 So. Sheridan Street
Naverdal, Mrs. Olga K. 930 So. Sheridan Street
Naverdal, Raymond Melby 930 So. Sheridan Street
Naverdal, John J. 718 So. Cushman Street
Naverdal, Mrs. Christiane 718 So. Cushman Street
Naverdal, Harold E. 718 So. Cushman Street
Nelson, Alice 4121 No. 16th Street
Nelson, Louis 3017 So. 8th Street
Nelson, Mrs. Anna 3017 So. 8th Street
Nelson, Einar 3017 So. 8th Street
Nelson, Norman O. 3017 So. 8th Street
Nelson, Minnie 1144 So. Grand View, Los Angeles
Nelson, Archie F. 3017 So. 8th Street
Nelson, Ruth B. 3017 So. 8th Street
Nelson, Mrs. M. B. (Hadland) 2341 So. "M" Street
Nelson, N. S. 2341 So. "J" Street
Nelson, Mrs. Augusta 2341 So. "J" Street
Nelson, Russell Grant 2341 So. "J" Street
Nelson, Mildred Lorraine 2341 So. "J" Street
Nickelsen, Harold C. 2107 No. Procter Street
Nordal, Miss Olga  
Oftedahl, O. T. 4325 So. Tacoma Ave.
Oftedahl, Mrs. Lina 4325 So. Tacoma Ave.
Oksness, S. S. 3814 So. "L" Street
Oksness, Mrs. Louise S. 3814 So. "L" Street
Oksness, Clara 3814 So. "L" Street
Oksness, Alice Esther 3814 So. "L" Street
Oksness, Nina 3814 So. "L" Street
Oksness, Theodore 3814 So. "L" Street
Olsen, Andrew 4218 No. 15th Street
Olsen, Mrs. Lina 4218 No. 15th Street
Olsen, Arnold Ludvig 4218 No. 15th Street
Olsen, Gerhard E. 1222 No. Anderson Street
Olsen, Deborah G. 4218 No. 15th Street
Olsen, Evelyn D. 4218 No. 15th Street
Olsen, Helen B. 4218 No. 15th Street
Olsen, Mrs. Carrie 1614 So. "M" Street
Olsen, Rev. C. J. 4018 No. 12th Street
Olsen, Mrs. Hilda 4018 No. 12th Street
Olsen, John 4139 So. "J" Street
Olsen, Mrs. Mary 4139 So. "J" Street
Olsen, Mrs. Josephine 2123 No. 26th Street
Olsen, Knut 1616 So. "J" Street
Olsen, Wilhelm 1463 So. Union Ave.
Olsen, Mrs. Anna 1463 So. Union Ave.
Olsen, Arthur O. R. 1463 So. Union Ave.
Olsen, Harold W. 1463 So. Union Ave.
Peterson, Christ  
Petersen, Conrad 916 No. Ainsworth Ave.
Petersen, Mrs. Jennie C. 916 No. Ainsworth Ave.
Petersen, Alma H. 916 No. Ainsworth Ave.
Petersen, George 606 No. Trafton Street
Quam, Paul 1012 So. Ferry Street
Quam, Mrs. Josephine 1012 So. Ferry Street
Quam, Leonard S. 1012 So. Ferry Street
Quam, Geroy C. 1012 So. Ferry Street
Quam,Percy J. 1012 So. Ferry Street
Reap, Mrs. Tilda 910 So. 25th Street
Reap, Genevieve E. 910 So. 25th Street
Reiber, Mrs. Helen O. (nee Lose) 1924½ So. "L" Street
Riberud, A. K. 3514 No. Willard Street
Riberud, Mrs. Gunhild 3514 No. Willard Street
Riise, Sigrid M.  
Rodside, Garfield 1013 No. Tacoma Ave.
Rodside, Melby 1013 No. Tacoma Ave.
Rollevson, O. J. 2125 So. "L" Street
Rollevson, Mrs. Anna Karine 2125 So. "L" Street
Rollevson, Norman O. 2125 So. "L" Street
Rollevson, Oscar C. 2125 So. "L" Street
Sande, Kunt H. 903 So. Puget Sound Ave.
Sande, Mrs. Gunhild 903 So. Puget Sound Ave.
Sande, Harvey K. G. 903 So. Puget Sound Ave.
Sande, Daniel Ernest 903 So. Puget Sound Ave.
Sather, Barton Puyallup, Wash., R. 3, Box 149
Sathre, Hilmar A. 1012 So. Ferry Street
Schinnes, Gustav 3215 So. 11th Street
Schinnes, Mrs. Mathilde S. 3215 So. 11th Street
Schoen, Mrs. Balla (nee Christiansen) 6512 Pacific Ave.
Septon, Peter 1502 So. Adams Street
Septon, Mrs. Maria 1502 So. Adams Street
Septon, Inga L. 1502 So. Adams Street
Septon, Eddie O. 1502 So. Adams Street
Septon, Sophie J. 1502 So. Adams Street
Septon,Caroline L. 1502 So. Adams Street
Septon, Alice D. 1502 So. Adams Street
Shevland, Mrs. Christiane 2520 So. "J" Street
Sivertson, Mrs. Johanna 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, M. C. 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, Mrs. Irma H. 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, Hedvig 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, Hjordis 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson,Astrid 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, Signe J. 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, Mildred I. 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, Sigurd M. 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, Lillian M. 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, Walborg V. 2315 So. Grant Street
Sivertson, Ole 2021 So. "K" Street
Sivertson, Mrs. Anna 2021 So. "K" Street
Skinstad, Mrs. Josephine 1519 So. 44th Street
Sonsteby, Harold 835 So. Ferry Street
Sonsteby, Mrs. Mathilda 835 So. Ferry Street
Sonsteby, Frances Margaret 835 So. Ferry Street
Sonsteby, Harold Norton 835 So. Ferry Street
Sorensen, Mrs. Josie A. (nee Elseth) 521 East "F" Street
Stang, Anton 2519 So. "J" Street
Stang, Mrs. Sarah 2519 So. "J" Street
Stang, J. Hartman 2519 So. "J" Street
Stang, Alfred D. G. 2519 So. "J" Street
Stang, Martha D. 2519 So. "J" Street
Stang, Arnold S. 2519 So. "J" Street
Stenso, Mrs. Borghild (nee Sivertson)  
Stevens, Mrs. Olga (nee Johnson) Sumner, Wash.
Stillwell, Mrs. Ragnhild 2534 So. "I" Street
Stockey, O. P. 3806 No. Gove Street
Stockey, Mrs. Hannah Marie 3806 No. Gove Street
Streeter, Mrs. Otilia St 2618 No. Puget Sound Ave.
Tabor, Elizabeth J. 1737 So. Ainsworth Ave.
Teigen, Mrs. Martha 5614 No. 43rd Street
Thompson, Mrs. Berthine 1805½ So. "G" Street
Thompson, Gunder E. 1805½ So. "G" Street
Thompson, Muriel Grace 1805½ So. "G" Street
Thompson, T. R. 6, Box 274. (Fife)
Thompson, Mrs. Anna M. R. 6, Box 274. (Fife)
Thompson, Arnold T. R. 6, Box 274. (Fife)
Thompson, Erling P. R. 6, Box 274. (Fife)
Thorson,Mrs. Ellen R. 6, Box 273. (Fife)
Thorson, Bessie H. R. 6, Box 273. (Fife)
Torgerson, T. M. R. 1, Box 212. (Gravely Lake)
Torresdal, Sigvid W. 3020 No. 10th Street
Torresdal, Mrs. Inger Marie 3020 No. 10th Street
Torresdal, Safrie Elizabeth 3020 No. 10th Street
Torresdal, Signe Marion 3020 No. 10th Street
Tveter, Olaf 1602 No. Sheyenne St.
Tveter, Mrs. Anna C. 1602 No. Sheyenne St.
Tveter,Bernerd A. 1602 No. Sheyenne St.
Tveter, Elmer C. 1602 No. Sheyenne St.
Tveter, Agnes O. 1602 No. Sheyenne St.
Tveter, Harriet C. 1602 No. Sheyenne St.
Tveter, Wilbur N. 1602 No. Sheyenne St.
Tveter, Raymond H. 1602 No. Sheyenne St.
Tveter, Esther T. 1602 No. Sheyenne St.
Varo, Corvin V. Puyallup, Wash., R. 3, Box 289
Venske, Mrs. Mae C. 4004 So. "J" Street
Vestbo, Mrs. Bertha Olava Puyallup, Wash., R. 3.
Vestbo, Ruth G. W. Puyallup, Wash., R. 3.
Vestbo, O. W. Puyallup, Wash., R. 3.
Vestbo, Arthur L. Puyallup, Wash., R. 3.
Wall, Mrs. Johanna Tacoma, R. 4, Box 25B
Wall, Adolph G. Tacoma, R. 4, Box 25B
Wall, Louise A. Tacoma, R. 4, Box 25B
Wall, Martin G. Tacoma, R. 4, Box 25B
Wall, T. A. 1812½ So. "L" Street
Wall, Miss Lewean 1812½ So. "L" Street
Wang, Jorgen 2520 So. "I" Street
Wang, Mrs. Karoline Bertine 2520 So. "I" Street
Weber, Mrs. Bernice E. (nee Olsen) 4204 No. 15th Street
Werner, Miss Selma 3205 So. 12th Street
Williams, Miss Alva 2356 So. "J" Street
Winjum, Carl 2303 So. "L" Street
Winjum, Mrs. Synove 2303 So. "L" Street
Winjum, Walter A. 2303 So. "L" Street
Winjum, Conrad J. 2303 So. "L" Street
Winjum, Edwin Clarence 2303 So. "L" Street
Winjum,Beatrice S. 2303 So. "L" Street
Winjum, Leonard O. 2303 So. "L" Street
Winjum, Cora Gwendolyn 2303 So. "L" Street
Wog,Ole 2508 So. Sheridan Street
Wog, Mrs. Ingeborg 2508 So. Sheridan Street
Wog, Martha S. 1021 So. Park View, Los Angeles
Wold, Mrs. Rev. A. 2154 So. "J" Street
Wold, Ole 1923 So. "K" Street
Wold, Mrs. Malene 1923 So. "K" Street
Wold, Ingrid H. 1923 So. "K" Street
Wolland, John Puyallup, Wash., R. 1, Box 80A
Wolland, Mrs. Lina Puyallup, Wash., R. 1, Box 80A
Ydstie, John B. 2003 So. "K" Street
Ydstie, Mrs. Nellie 2003 So. "K" Street
Ydstie, Hattie O. 2003 So. "K" Street