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Looking for Brandon Hunter Roethlinger Montford

Dear Buddy,

I love you, I miss you and I keep trying to find you. But somebody has you hidden from me and your mother. They won't let us see you. They won't let us talk to you. And they won't give us pictures of you. I can only hope and pray that the first almost five years of your life that we had together stay in your heart like they stay in mine. I keep looking for you and I hope you are looking for me.

If you find this and want to contact me, please email me at

I have put some pictures of you on this site to remind you of our life together. I hope they bring back good memories. I'll add to this site over time, including everything I can think of to help you remember me and the time we had together.

If you contact me, I will do everything I can to find a way for us to see each other.

Love Forever,


Charles A. Roethlinger


Photos of Brandon