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"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -- Immanuel Kant

Our Rescued Residents

Hi, I'm Mikie!

As you can tell my mom keeps me cut in the Lion Clip. Ok so its not the most pretty of hair cuts but because of my coat problems it feels GREAT. While I was in the 'bad place' I didn't get good food and when I was able to eat I had to fight for my portion cause I was in a little wire box with 3 other boys. No one ever held me or spoke nice to me. I spent a lot of time cryin and wanting to leave the 'bad place'.

One day I was pulled out of my little home and thrown on the ground. There were two nice ladies laughing and calling to me. I didn't know what to do but jump straight into my moms arms(I didn't know she was gonna be my mom then). She just held on to me so tight and boy I was so happy! She put me in her truck (the bad man said she could have me) and took me straight to the groomers. Now that was some place I did not like one bit! But she was nice to me! She shaved off all my nasty hair(I had never had a bath in the long time I was in the bad place). I heard her telling my mom something about lice and fleas. Could that be what made me scratch all the time?

Soon after I was smelling so clean and I wasn't scratching no more! My mom puts this stuff on me every month to keep those nasty bugs off me! My next stop was the vets. Oh, it was so scary! My mom was there talkin so sweet and holding me telling me everything was gonna be ok. Those shots sure stung and when they took my blood for a test I tried to bite the man. Was he another 'bad man'? My mom said no this was a good man he wasn't trying to hurt me and soon every thing would be alright. Well I heard that all those shots and tests means I am healthy(not sure what that is but it made my mom real happy).

I then had the strangest thing happen. I went to sleep and when I woke up I was sore down 'there' and my mouth hurt. My mom said a strange word 'neuter' not so sure what that means but I think it helped me some way cause she would never do anything to hurt me. My mouth was sore cause I had bad teeth. With the bad food I had to eat I didn't enough things to make my teeth strong. I didn't loose many and every year I go to the vet dentist. Its not bad now cause my teeth don't hurt no more.

That was the beginning of my life. See I didn't have a real life before. Now I have the greatest family a dog like me could ever want. I have good food all the time(all I want to mom says I eat to much but she never lets me go hungry) I sleep with her and my dad in a big soft bed. I have toys and other brother and sister dogs to run and play with. I am a lucky dog. See I remember those I left behind in the 'bad place'. I know there are other good moms out there who help those dogs. Its sad to me sometimes cause they are still there but my mom promised me one day all those 'bad places' would be gone. She said it takes people like you and her to make them go away, and for me to tell my story.

Hi, I'm Scrappy

Looking back I remember too many things. My mom says I need to tell you my story so you might get to know us better. I don't like to remember at all. I don't like thinking of the 'bad place' and all the pain I had. I like to lay right here on my pillow watchin my mom. Thinkin bout how much I love her and my home. See this is a home, a real home. I got my pillow, my bones, my family and my dog friends. I never had those things before in the 'bad place'.

I will try to remember the 'bad place' so you understand but remember I don't like it so much and if I sound angry well I guess I am. You might be angry after you read this, thats ok. Just take that anger and use it to make all those 'bad places' go away. The first day I saw my mom and her friend I was so very scared. I lived in a wire cage with four other guys like me. But I was different than them. The 'bad man' would come get my friends sometimes and take them away. He would bring them back though but I never understood why. Until one day when I was asleep the 'bad man' came for me. He picked me up not nice like my mom does but hard by my hair. He put me in this cage with a new friend. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. This new friend looked a lot like me and was all happy and waggin her tail and stuff but I couldn't be her friend see I hurt too bad.

From a long time all I remember is small places with wire. I never got to run and play like I do now. I spent lots of time there in those small places. Most times cold, hungry and in pain. I don't know why I was in pain so much then. I do now cause my mom explained all that to me. I never knew humans were nice till I met my mom and her friend. The 'bad man' and others like him never held me, never spoke nice to me if they did speak it was loud. Loud scares me real bad even now I don't like loud. When I was in the cage with the new friend after awhile the 'bad man' came back for me. He threw me back in with my other guys. I didn't do anything while I was there with the friend who looked like me and the 'bad man' knew this. I didn't know what I did wrong, I didn't even know I was supposed to do anything at all.

When my mom and her friend came a few days later the 'bad man' came for me again. Oh, I was so scared. I just cried and cried. I don't like to cry, not one bit it makes me angry. He put me down on the ground(I know its called this cause my mom told me). I saw those ladies lookin at me all strange. They were not laughing and smiling, well they just looked sad. They got on the ground by me and kept calling to me but I couldn't move. I was hurting so bad in my legs and this ground thing was prickin my belly. I wanted to go to them, for some strange reason I knew they wasn't 'bad'. I just couldn't move cause my legs didn't work. Thats where my pain came from all the time. My back legs wouldn't hold me up. My mom says its from no exercise(no room for that in the 'bad place'). Then I tried to stand up, it was so hard. I tried to go to those ladies. The one lady who is now my mom had all this stuff in her eyes, like water. She was tryin not to let the bad man see. She walked away....but the other one the one with the pretty color hair like me, kept on trying to get me to come. When I could go no further she came and got me. I just layed right down, I was scared of her.

She picked me right up in her arms. They were so warm and strong and they smelled so good. She kept talking to me and rubbin my back. She felt my legs and then she looked over at my mom. At first I thought they was just gonna put me down and walk away but they didn't. There was just this look between them that no matter how long I live I will never forget. I understand now it was a look of pure heartache. See, they hurt for me. For some reason the 'bad man' said take him if you want. "He ain't no good to me, he can't even do his job." What is a 'job'? I still don't know what that means but my mom said I don't even want to know. Thats fine by me. They started movin real fast then. When the 'bad man' said go they went. I sat in the ladies lap with the long hair the color of mine. When we got on the road they was both cryin. They was cryin and laughin at the same time. I remember my mom sayin they was lost, she couldn't cry and drive at the same time. Why they was cryin I don't know but they did. I didn't like it when they cried but for some reason I knew it was all gonna be all right.

They took me to this place called a groomers. Hey, thats where I met my bud Mikie. My mom and her friend got us on the same day. Mikie and I didn't speak much that first day. I think we was too scared. This lady groomer did some bad, awful things to me. My mom said it wasn't bad stuff but just between you and me water is bad business. This lady scrubbed me like there was no tomorrow and cut off all my long hair. I was so scared the lady with hair the color like mine wouldn't like me any more but she did.

Our next stop was that 'vet man'. Oh, I sure didn't like him one little bit. He pulled on my legs and took all kinds of pictures. My mom called them xrays.

The 'vet man' said there wasn't anything bad wrong with my legs they had just shrunk up from no exercise(there is that word again). I got all kinds of stingy things poked in me that day and I took the nicest of naps. When I woke up I was sore 'down there' and boy oh boy did my mouth hurt. My mom told me later that being sore 'down there' was called a neuter, and my mouth hurt so bad cause they had to pull most all my teeth. My mom said they just rotted from not ever having good food to eat. My mom said the pain would go away quick and it did.

While I was in the 'bad place' I got almost no food. I was too sore to drag over to the pans they dumped stuff in and when I finally could manage to get there it was all gone. I was hungry so much and in so much pain all I wanted was to sleep, never to wake up, never. (Here is where I get angry cause if I would have slept like that I never would have had my mom. I makes me real mad at that man and the 'bad place'. I remember all my friends there, I cry for them. I know now what all I was missin out on. My friends will never know the wonderful things I do, and it makes me sad. It is there with me this hurt for them. I know my mom hurts for them too. I seen all the things she did to try to save us. She never gave up and I know she and her friend never will.)

My mom gave me all kinds of pills after that. I learned how to walk again....those pills sure helped me. I learned a lot of things from my mom and her friend. I learned that pokey stuff outside is called 'grass'. I never got to touch grass while I was in the 'bad place' I only saw it. Now, how I love to lay in it! It is one of the best things to lay there in the grass with the sun warmin me. The grass smells so good and isn't pokey once you lay down and get all comfy. I used to smell grass before, I smell lots of things now and I know what to call them. I know now I can eat all I want when I want. I 'guard' the bowl, my mom says. I heard her talking to her friend bout this and they say I am scared I want get no more food.

Yep, they are right, why I don't know. My mom always has plenty of food and nice clean water for everyone but I'm still scared. When your in a 'bad place' like I was its hard to forget even when your loved like my mom loves me.

Mikie and I talk sometimes about the 'bad place'. Mikie is strong and so am I. He says he heard my mom say this was our forever home. I hear her tell me that too. I'm not sure what a 'forever home' is but I hope if I ever have to go away I go to that nice lady with the hair the color of mine. See, I still see her from time to time. Every time she comes to see my mom she always comes to me. She whispers that I am her special friend and that no matter what I will always have her with me.

A new chapter in my life I would like to share

While I was at my moms things started happening that well to be honest i just didn't like. There were these small furry little things running all over the house getting on MY pillow, pulling my tail oh boy I sure didn't like that one bit.

Well mom tried to tell me about puppies but I just couldn't handle them they really bothered me so I did the only thing us dogs do sometimes I bit the looney thing! Of course my mom was not pleased with me one bit, but I was so uncomfortable and really I was unhappy so what was I to do?? My mom talked to our friend with the hair the color of mine and well now I came to live with her. See my mom told me if I ever wanted to leave I could go there. I know mom loves these furry little creatures and well I want her to be happy but I want to be happy to and I really like the lady with the hair like mine. So I packed up my little toy bag and bed and went to live with my new mommy. I must say it is pretty nice here. I have three fursisters, but two of them are older like me and we made an agreement, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, this works just fine. Now the other fursister is still young and she has lots of energy, but she doesn't bother me. I think she is used to us older furkids.

Well I'm still happy and of course get to see my "former" mommy all the time and that's all that matters,oh and that I still get all my special treats and attention of course, can't forget that!

Hi, I'm Sweetie

Well, its my turn. I was watchin my mom talk to Scrappy and Mikie and I remember the day they came to live with us. They was some sad looking boys! At first I spent a lot of time talking to them. They told me their stories and I told them mine. I was my mom's first rescue. My story ain't like theirs but my mom says it's just as important.

A couple of years ago my mom got hurt real bad by a car. From what I remember hearing some one hit her while she was in her car and her legs got all messed up. After she was able to get in to a wheelchair(I know what that is cause my mom's human girl has always been in one and my mom had to teach me about them) she spent lots of time on the internet(yep the old puter, and by the way she still spends a lot of time there).

My old family had to move and couldn't take me with them. I heard them doing all kinds of talking and bringin in boxes and stuff like that. Some how my mom and my old mom found each other. My new mom wanted me to come live with her so I got in the car for the trip up to her.

I'm older than Mikie and Scrappy I'm near 7 years old and for the first 5 of those years I was with my old family. It's hard for a fella to understand why all of a sudden your not wanted any more. I still don't really know what I did wrong and why they couldn't take me with them....I don't think I ever will. When we got to my new mom's house I was happy to see everyone(I am a friendly sorta of guy). It was a long ride in that car....and even though I like to ride I had a feeling something was different bout this trip.

Everyone sat around the kitchen table and talked for a while. Then my old family started to leave with out me! I yelled and yelled for them not to go! Was I a bad dog, did I do something wrong? Why did they want to leave me with these people I didn't even know!? I remember lookin out the window watching them drive down that road with out me and that day a little bit of my heart died.

I don't really remember much about the first week I was in this new place. My mom was worried cause I didn't eat or drink for days. She called the 'vet man' and took me over to see him. He said it was ok I was mourning(now what the heck is that?) my old family and in time I would come around.

I remember when I finally started feeling like I could go on with my life and learn to love this new family. They were happy and very happy to have me there. My dad is my best bud and he throws the ball for me every time I ask him to.

My mom says I am lucky cause my old family found a home for me and not a shelter. A shelter is a bad place for old fella's like me. My mom told me that most humans want a puppy not an old guy. Most of the time the old guys never find a home and they cross the bridge( I know about the bridge, my mom read me a story about it....she cried so hard I hurt for her. I think she might have some friends over there on the other side of the bridge. Its ok cause one day they will be together she says). I am not sure what all this means but I don't think its too bad.

I been here a while now and I watch dogs come and go. I watch new families come and take some of the old guys away. My mom says they are going to their 'forever home'. I didn't realize what a 'forever home' was until my mom told me that it is where you stay and never leave. She told me I had found my forever home with her.

She says that my story is important because of the old fella's here in our home looking for their 'forever home'. She says the right family will come for them and until then they can stay right here with us. My mom also says shelter places ain't all bad. They work so hard to find homes for all their guys. There just ain't enough homes to go around. Thats why most of us here is spayed and neutered. (I know what that is, cause remember I'm the old guy?) She says its the most important thing you can do for your pet. That way maybe one day we want need all those shelter things cause every one will have a 'forever home' just like mine.

Hi, I'm Peaches

I'm what some folks call a 'teacup' Pomeranian. My mom says there is no such thing and she's right. I am not AKC standard and the breeder who wanted us ultra tiny Pomeranians should have been asked to read the standard before she started. Because of her carelessness and down right ignorance I am here.

I have suffered tremendously in my short life. I have a grade 5 heart mummer which causes me to faint a lot. My mom took me to the 'vet man' and he said there isn't a whole lot to be done for me. I'll cross the bridge soon, of that I'm sure cause my little heart just doesn't work like it's supposed to. This is my forever home and of that I am grateful.

I came here by accident. Its a long story and you will have to forgive me if there are blanks here. My mom says we can not mention just who was in my other home. I think the police(mom's word) are involved. What your about to read is true. Some of you will turn your nose up at the word 'collector' but that is what the person in my old home was. A 'collector' of dogs. Small dogs, the smaller the better. My other home is hard for me to think about. The conditions were beyond comprehension for most humans and even us dogs.

There were 50+ dogs living in a tiny 3 bedroom house with one person who worked all day and was hardly ever home at night. We were not allowed outside(the neighbors) so we had to use the potty in the house. The person slept in waste, walked in it and so did we. I think on some deep level the person knew it was wrong but couldn't go back to being a normal human(my mom says that all the time, the person just wasn't normal). One of the things I remember most of all is the times I would faint. There is a sudden blackness and nothing. I wake up slowly and I am really disoriented. My mom is always here with me. I always wake up in her arms, not alone like before.

There was lots of dog fights in the other place and a lot of dogs lost their lives because of this. I heard my mom talking about that and she called it 'pack behavior'. After all we are dogs and came from wolves, our instincts take over they always have and they always will. Even us tiny lap babies will fight and die for food. A lot of the time we had to do just that.

My mom has me now. I can't really tell you how she came by me but I was given to her. The 'other person' is still around so my mom says no speaking of 'the other person'. Well, sometimes you just have to speak and you have to be heard. I had a horrible life before this and I saw death, disease, destruction, violence and all this in a home that was supposed to be the best around.

It took a long time for humans to know what went on there and when they did some believed 'the other person' and some believed my mom. See, my mom told on 'the other person'. That is how most of my old friends got out of there. No one knows for sure what happened to the other friends of mine but there are a lot of rumors and speculation. If I know this 'other person' like I think I do all my friends are still there.

So here I am way too tiny because of a breeder who didn't care and sick because I am so tiny. My old life is over now. The 'other person' is long gone and can't hurt me anymore. The only fear I have(I know my mom feels this way she told me so) is the 'other person' is still collecting dogs. Is there a way to stop this type of behavior? I am not sure. Most humans don't believe it even exists. It does you can just ask the humans who saw it all. They will tell you those 'collector' people are out there. They might even be someone you know.

This page is dedicated in loving memory of Peaches whose little heart could take no more. Our Peach Pit, as she was loving called, crossed the bridge on April 24, 2001. She will now be free of all the pain she had to endure at the hands of almost every human she ever encountered in her short time and can frolic like a normal puppy in green fields. Her time with us was short but we were privileged to be able to give her the only love and happiness she ever knew. We love you Peaches!