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My Photo Album

If you've come to visit my page welcome! Please do not link to this page. Granted I have used no last names but still some people are nervous about having their pics on the internet. You can tell people about it through word of mouth though! Either way this is a private webpage :)

Anway . . . click on the link to see the pic.


Me with Anna
Me with Tom outside of ChiChis in Allentown
Tom with Anna
Tom and Morrie
Tom with Morrie
Tom with Morrie 2
Tom with Morrie, blue eyes!
Tom in the "interview pose"
Tom in a hat
Tom bald!
More Tom


Morrie and Tenchi all curled up


The fountain and Wright Auditorium at ECU

UNC Field Camp Pictures

Go Here

Other pictures I find interesting

Note: I did not take these pictures. These were ones I have found in news articles or elsewhere on the web. I don't own them

Aerial Photograph of Niagra Falls
Lights out in New York city with car lights
Hurricane Isabel approaches shore
Hurricane Isabel's storm front
Tree coming down during Hurricane Isabel in Greenville
Notice the electricity coming off the powerlines!
A tree that came down by the art building at ECU during Hurricane Isable
The First Harley ever made
Sigfried and Roy with white lion cubs
Bush as a Russian playing card
The concord's last flight
Concord landing in England

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