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A Word From Our Visionary



Greetings and God Bless You,


          There is a Macedonian cry coming from our dying nation. This is cry of change in the lives of young people from all walks of life.  I believe that it is time for the body of Christ to unite and birth a season of revival that will bring a change in our cities, communities, nation, and our World.


          As the visionary of the National Youth Crusade 2003, National Youth President of Word Harvest International Fellowship of Churches, Inc., and Youth President of Greater Life Outreach in Durham, NC, where Bishop James L. Spence & Pamela D. Spence are the pastors, I am extremely honored to invite you to the National Youth Crusade 2003.  This awesome gathering of young people will be held September 26 & 27, 2003 at Word Harvest International Praise Cathedral, Richmond VA. The theme for this crusade is “Youth Moving Into Destiny.” Our reference scripture is taken from Jeremiah 1:5,” Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.  I believe if we unite and gather youth ministries from North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, Washington, D.C., Baltimore and other surrounding areas, we can begin to make an impact in changing the state of the world.


          I charge you to join us at this life-changing crusade.  When your young people leave, they will be CERTIFIED, BONIFIED, GLORIFIED, and ANOINTED WORLDCHANGERS.  Both nights will be filled with young people from various ethnic, cultural, and spiritual backgrounds to bring about unity in the body of Christ.  There will be anointed soloists, choirs, step teams, mime ministries, Christian comedy, and the anointed life changing Word. Start making your plans now, because this is one crusade you do not want to miss!


God’s Man Servant,


Nicholas J. Worrell

(Crusade Visionary)