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Art in all Cultures


Taylor Bay, By:
EJ Hughes (Edward John Hughes)

.:(Michael Stewart):.

Update May 30th,08 9:34am

Canada and Mayan Pages made, Photos uploaded to main project folder and will begin creating write ups and posting the pictures upon their designated pages. (Digital Representaions still to come)

- Mike

Update May 27th,08 11:16am

Updated Photos onto the three main tabs, new image folder created, summarys have been placed and links made.

- Mike


Most consider savage, others poor, but mostly this culture has been opressed and suffered under malnourishment and violence for centuries; Hopefully this treatment for this group will not last forever, but we shall see.


A time of an empire, ceaser ruled and succeded before being killed. Death, trechary, art, love, war, everything happened in this great empire to quick for it to hold, it broke apart into its now small and almost invisible remains.

Traditional Japan

The japanese in this time were gracious, wise and welcoming. Strict and strong to a point, but tradition was everything and honor was above all.

Modern Canada

Local Artists, to famous artists. We look at the difference in images, but the similarties in tones and all around look comparing ancient works to new found modern stuff.

Ancient Greeks

Extravigant, scientific, artistic and calm. The epitome of true advanced civilization, however within every populace is those wishing to tear peace apart.

The Aztecs were brutal, religious, artistic, savage, advanced, and unique. Greatly feared and also honored, these ancient beings were a intresting breed.
Ancient Egyptians were surrounded by myth and mystery, due to their remarkable builds such as the Pyramids and the Sphinx, this extent culture is highly honored, and greatly appreciated.
Mayan, Ancient Civilization now extent well known for their architecture and their art.

A Final Warning, this site is Copywrited, and all credit goes to a close personal friend named Static(Sean Johnson) all credit for the layout goes to him. Pictures were used by indirect sites and edited accordinly to make them original.

This website has been made and issued for a current student project at my school. This assignment is a specialization unit in the comparison between ancient and new art, on these pages you will find cultures some still exsiting and most however unfortnate are extinct.
During this overview i shall explain my entention of showing that no matter how differnet most art may seem by images, that meaning and intent can most times mean the same thing. Weather it be Mayan, Incan, Egyptian, Canadian, American, African, art like math is universal.

This specialization project hopefully will go to show the

©Copyright Michael Stewart 2007

Comments? Questions? Email Michael Stewart