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Chief Roberto's Page

This page is dedicated to the Chief of Cat Kingdom at least at our house. Roberto has been in the home of Gail Ambrocio since 1993. He was found in a parking lot of a convenience store where he was pestering the store owners. The little 5 pound critter was wild at that point in time. Wooly and chubby baby that he was back then, Roberto set about to attack every other cat at the homeplace. Quite a job especially when the other cats didn't want to retaliate and he'd never stood up on hardwood floors prior to arriving at his new home. Little by little he learned that he didn't have to fight for his food and home. A month after Roberto's arrival, Charo, a small Siamese, came to live at the home. Charo didn't give up on Roberto until he became her husband. Now Roberto weighs over 12 pounds and is very easy natured. Charo weighs 5 pounds soaking wet and has the "attitude" hissy fit and spit. Quite a pair.

Wild and Wooly 5 pound Roberto 1993

Food, Purina weight circles, coupons, or any other donations are much appreciated. If you like you can make a monetary donation through Pay Pal. Each donation will be acknowledged with a handmade gift from Roberto's "human".

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Roberto Today

Recently Roberto was given an Award from Catsup, a Cat Web Site/Ring in the United Kingdom. The folks there thinks it's quite a responsibility to run a Cat Kingdom, be married to Charo, and still have time to sleep twenty hours a day! Therefore the award was granted to Chief Roberto. To say "howdy" to Roberto and Charo Site Ring
Ring Owner: Marcus Wommer Site:
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