Author Notes and Introduction

                This is a role reversal fic.  All the roles of major characters have been changed, but their personalities have remained as close as I can keep them and still have things very different.  Ken and Daisuke's roles have been reversed; Ken is the leader of the Chosen Children while Daisuke is the Digimon Kaiser.  I'm putting GoE as the prologue instead of after the defeat of the Kaiser because the role does not fit Daisuke without some tweaking of his history and I'd rather you know what that tweaking is going into it.  It fits his character better to have the motivation known by the reader from the beginning.  Not to mention the title of the fic makes sense this way.

                Likewise, Miyako and Hikari's roles have been reversed.  Changing Hikari is harder because I want to keep 01 intact.  Iori and Takeru, again switched.  Iori and Takeru are by far the hardest because neither get the spotlight much.  Again, keeping 01 intact, Takeru is still the one who moves to Odaiba.  Other switchings are Mummymon and Archnemon (whose presence makes Kaiser Daisuke more IC) and Jun and Osamu.  The CC partner digimon remain themselves with the exception of V-mon and Wormmon whose roles have to be switched to correspond with their partner.  Hawkmon, Tailmon, Armdimon and Patamon's roles are the same regardless of what their partner is up to.  I think that's everything.


Digimon: Conquest

Prologue: The Genesis of Evil


                Technically, he did not remember the accident.  He was only three when it happened and in the six years between then and his life’s revelation two years ago, the incident had become somewhat warped in his mind.  In all honesty, had he not been there, she would still be alive.  In an indirect sort of way, he was at least a little responsible for her death.  Yet, they say ‘there is no greater love than to give your life for another.’  Precisely what she did for him. 

                She was nine years old at the time, the same age he was when he was enlightened by an odd looking fellow.  Their parents had instructed her to take him to the park one morning, for some reason they just couldn’t be bothered with it.  He never understood why they were always so busy.  She hadn’t liked the idea and only went grudgingly.  His excitement only worsen her attitude as she wondered how long she would have to baby-sit a hyperactive three-year-old when she should be heading over to Mimeo’s place to play more grown-up games.

                She eventually snapped at him and he responded in kind until the two siblings were all out arguing over pointless nothings and which child was the favorite off their parents.  He said she was while she insisted that he was.

                And then he felt a force and was knocked to the ground, skidding along the pavement.  He began to bleed and cry.  And that sudden pain was all he really remembered...

                He grew up from then on with the knowledge that his older sister had died saving his life.  In his mind, the incident was warped and reformed so that he had all but murdered her.  His pain and guilt overwhelmed him until he lived for nothing.

                And then when he was nine, the same age she had been when she died, his revelation came.  His parents, as usual, had left him home alone one afternoon.  Having been forbidden to go out and play, he goofed off on the computer and found an odd message.

                It told him that he didn’t have to live in guilt, in fact, he didn’t have to live in any sort of reality at all.  It was so much easier to drown yourself in other less important things--television, computer games, comic the point where you will barely feel at all.  Life is nothing but fun, then.

                He took the advise and for two years, and for two years he didn’t have to think about anything expect when he would lie awake at night, unable to sleep.  And when he did sleep, his dreams would haunt him.  So he began playing himself into exhaustion in both video games and sports.  He would fall asleep right away then and never dreamed.

                One day while taking out a CD-ROM, he found a newer one that he hadn’t seen before.  Someone had written Digimon: Conquest on it in a black felt-tip marker.  He popped that disk into the drive It requested to download a program to the hard drive and he did so.  When it completed, he called the program up and was left with a window marked ‘closed.’  He rummaged through the drawer for a manual and instead found an odd looking contraption.  It was white with blue padding and fit snug in the palm of his hand.  There were a few buttons and a small screen. 

                He looked at it in wonder for a moment until finally connecting it to the mysterious disk.  Not having any other ideas, he held it up to the computer monitor.  The window flashed ‘open’ and with a blinding light, he found himself somewhere else.

                Where the living room of his apartment once was, a dense forest was the only thing in sight.  He began walking and calling out for help and/or other people, but his cries went unheard.  After a few minutes, the ground beneath him gave way and he tumbled down a ditch.  The walls were high and smooth.  Set proudly in the middle of the circular enclosing was an egg-shaped...thing.  It was blue with fire print running along it’s edges.  A horn-like structure protruded from the top.  He walked over and picked it up.

                And immediately found himself falling roughly to the ground.

                “I’ve been waiting for you, Daisuke!” cried a blue dragon that appeared from no where.  It hugged the flabbergasted boy.

                “Huh?” Daisuke finally managed to say.

                “C’mon, let’s get out of this ditch!”  The dragon led the way and Daisuke helplessly followed. 

                The two came across the TV in their travels as the dragon chattered and the boy, growing more confused with every passing minute, listened.  Desperately, he tried to get a word in, but the dragon apparently had no need to take a breath.  When they reached the TV, the audience, of no effort made, disappeared.

                He found himself in the living room again, and for the third time that day, falling on his rear.  He was not alone this time, however.  An odd looking man dressed from head to toe in blue was there with him.  The single, visible green eye wink.

                “I see,” he said, “that you have found my gift.  Your new game.”

                And that was when the trouble started.


Next-- ‘Enter Puttimon’