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I have been playing the mountain dulcimer since 1995 after being introduced to the instrument by my minister of music at church,Doreen Wacaster. I built my first dulmicer from a kit, a Christmas gift from my wife.Since that time I've built 23 dulcimers of various styles and different types of wood.

Performing in church services, schools,senior citizen gatherings and even funerals has enabled me to use the dulcimer to praise God from whom this talent comes.

I've had the privilege to teach in workshops with great dulcimer players such as:Joe Collins,Michael Shull,Lee Rowe,Steve Seifert,and Larry Conger. I am currently a member of the Foothills Dulcimer Club in Shelby,NC. Competition experiences include: First place in the Brevard Old Time Music Festival (2000) and first and third places in woodworking/dulcimer making.

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