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Pretty AngelMy Princess loves pretty Flowers! Pretty Angel Reversed
  My sweet and beautiful wife just started RN nursing school! Way to go my Lady! I am very proud of you!

This is my beautiful sweet Angel of Light, Susan! She is a total Lady and Southern Belle and I am totally in love with her! This page is dedicated to her! Thank you baby, for just being you!

My wonderful lady ready for graduation!
If the song does not play, then click my Lady's picture to download & play
the song 'Breathe' from the soap, 'Passions'!

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My Lady is such a joy to be with!

My Sweetheart has wrote some very pretty poems for me!


There is a chill in the evening
I sit alone, yet I feel your warmth
There is a soft gentle breeze blowing
I sit alone, yet I hear your whisper
There is a stillness in the night
I sit alone, yet I feel your arms around me
There is a taste of sweetness in the night air
I sit alone, yet I taste the softness of your lips
There is a brilliant moon and a million stars in the heaven
I sit alone, yet alone I do not feel
There is a love in my heart unlike any I?ve ever known
You Darryl are my heart and soul and never again am I alone.

My Lady is the Angel of all Angels!
 Glorious Angel A Unicorn represents
a pure heart overflowing with
and all things good.

I'm sending you this unicorn greeting,
because I see all of these special qualities in you.

You're a magical spark in a world that sometimes seems dark.
Your light never fails to touch my heart and soul leaving behind a feeling of peace and an assurance that goodness truly exists in the world.

Thank you for being you.

One to my girl, Susan, from me:

Do you know the way a tear drop falls to the ground, perfect in flight, well that is my Lady...
Do you know the way a star twinkles at night, never to shine no more, well that is my Lady...
Do you know the way a fish is so graceful in its swim, never a tumble or fall, well that is my Lady...
Do you know the way a small baby makes you feel so full of love and warmth inside, life is yet to come, well that is my Lady...
Do you know the way a hero makes you want to jump with joy, with his or her help, you can overcome all, well that is my Lady...
Do you know the way a picture of a Princess is so shiny and bright, a person you must know, well that is my Lady...
Do you know the way a man is, when he loves a woman with all he is, or ever will be, well that is me, and my beautiful Lady...

My sweetheart wrote this one for me. Its called
My World

My world has a smile that can light up a room...
Eyes so bright they pale even the moon.

My world has a soul as old as time...
A heart full of love given freely to be mine.

My world has a passion, hope, and desire...
A love that burns hotter than any fire.

I now know a love that's pure and true...
My world, Darryl, is YOU.
A Beautiful Angel
Some pics my Lady likes!

Pictures of family and loved ones:

Boys and Girls Angels

Star Divider

This weeks illusion:

An optical illusion
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For the memories of all our loved ones