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Jesse's Garden

Below you will find the first picture taken of Jesse's memorial garden. It has been placed at South Brunswick High School in Boiling Springs, North Carolina. This is where Jesse attended high school and is where he was a student at the time of his death.

We originally planned to start Jesse's garden in the fall of 2001 so we could dedicate it on his 2nd year anniversary in heaven, but we decided to wait until spring and dedicate it on his birthday. We figured what we planted in the spring would have a better chance of surviving than whatever we could find to plant in the fall.

We actually started the garden before spring because Jesse's sister Kelly wanted to help with it and she was scheduled to leave for basic training in the Navy on Feb.27th,2002.So we started it on Feb.16th,2002.As you will see from the picture below we still have alot of work to do, but Kelly was happy with what we got done before she left.We also gave Jesse's grave a make over so to speak the weekend after we worked on the garden. At this time I don't have any pictures of it because everytime we have tried to take them it has been to bright for the pictures to turn out. That is also why at this time I only have one pic of Jesse's Garden.

Jesse's birthday is April 18th and on that day we will be placing a marker permanent marker in Jesse's garden.I will add more pictures then.

Here are a few more pictures of Jesse's Garden.

This last picture shows how we have redone his garden in preparation for placing the permanant marker. You will see a blank spot in the front of the statue. This is where we plan to place the marker.

Here is a picture of Jesse's Garden right after we set the stone in place. As you can see the marker is not complete.The picture that goes on the marker has not yet arrived.This picture was taken just after the marker was placed but before we set it into the dirt.I will post another picture once the picture is put in place.

The marker is finally completed.