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Jesse's 19th birthday

Today April 18,2002 is Jesse's 19th birthday. I have done several things for Jesse's birthday this year. The first thing we decided to do was to redo his grave. Very little had been done to Jesse's grave until now. We had to actually do the work in february because Jesse's sister Kelly really wanted to help and she was scheduled to leave for basic training in the Navy on February 27th,2002. Other than giving Jesse's grave a make over I also found a train planter for his grave. Jesse always loved trains so when I saw it I just had to have it, and since his favorite color was red, I had to paint it red.This first picture is of the train just before I took it out to his grave.

The next pictures we taken of his grave just before and right after I placed the train on his grave.

Besides giving Jesse's grave a make over we decided to also make a memorial garden for Jesse. When I say we I mean my daughter Kelly and myself. We had help from others to complete our plans but we came up with the ideas.Jesse's Memorial Garden is at south Brunswick High School which is where he was a student when he was killed.The first picture is of the marker we bought to go in his garden.The marker is not yet complete because it is suppose to have a picture of Jesse on it but it isn't ready yet. I will add another picture of the marker once the picture is added.The other pictures are of the marking being placed in the garden, family members with Jesse's birthday balloons before and after they were released.The last picture is of the balloons just before Jesse snatched them up and they went completely out of site.

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