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I sat around one night and said
I wish all horses would wind up dead.
For a reason or another
You would think i killed their brother
People raged and people bitched.
I would have been burned, had i been a witch
"Its just a horse, he makes good glue"
But people yelled "this wouldn't do".
And at this time AOL said "Hi"
And if i didn't stop, my account would go "BYE"
So we had a chat, about what's right
And that conversation ran into the night
But in the end, he went away
And i'll cuss horses anonther day.

EsCapE (A poem about the end of High School)

Just 5 days remain, then i shall run free
And my high School career shall cease to be
My time here is finished, and i'll say it wasn't fun
at college next year, i'll lounge in the sun
My friends shall be missed, this of course is true
yet what once was old shall now be new.
Will tears be shed? yes, but not by me
I shall celebrate, down by the sea.
Friends will not be forgotten


Sunkist is a drink,
its color isn't pink
Its shade, orange it is
i like to taste the fizz
Fruity, zesty and full of fun
Hilary likes to drink them in the sun
And now this poem must come to an end
Thank you for the time you lend. :-)

Road Rage...

I saw a car, it went real fast
If we had a race, i would come in last
because my jeep is not built for speed
and for that car, its the only need
So one day, he flew by
all his dust went in my eye
3 miles later, by the road side
his supa sweet car, it had died
He looked real sad, then real mad
When i gave him the finger and cussed him bad.

A Trout.

In the sea there lived a trout
And all day long he would pout
Mope and whine, complain and cry
As if the smallest thing would make him die
And then one day, along came a big fish
and made that trout his tasty dish
and now he lives no more for he is dead
the giant fish bit off his head

The End.

Billie. (Previously entitled "The Goat.")

Once upon a time, i had a little goat
His name was billy, and lived on a boat
All day long, both to and fro
On this boat he would go
Far and near, shore to sea
Just to see, what he could see
This little goat,

and now he lives a life of fun in the playboy mansion.

the end.

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