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the days between us seem like an eternity.
The world and all its iniquities move forward...
yet I remain frozen...
barren from the lack of being with you.

Our times together are so scarce
that we are forced to spend our quality time together
making love.
Our times of actually feeling love...
and knowing love,
we're forced to spend alone.

How can a relationship survive with so many boundaries?

How many rules can our love endure before becoming
weak from the strain?

There are so many things I want to share with you.
Small things...
yet very important.

I want to be there for you at the end of a bad day...
at the end of a good day.

I want to share your highs...
your lows.

I want to be your voice of encouragement...
your wall of strength.

I want candlelight dinners...
I want to lay on the sofa late at night
until we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

I want to share all your life...
not just a page here and there.

I want to bury all the insecurities of
living separate lives.
I want you to be mine...

I want the entire world to know that
I love you.
I want to paint it across the sky...
print it on billboards...
stand in the middle of the busiest intersection
and scream to the world...

I guess I want a lot...
but more than anything else...
I simply want you.©

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Graphics By Sleepy Designs©
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