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The happy cries of small children
echo across the beach...
reminding me of you...
my brother.

The sun disappears behind
a bleary line...
blanketing the shore
with your darkness.

A cold wind
catches me from behind...
I shiver
in it's arms.

It's been many years
since God took you home...
yet I realize that I'm still running
from the burden of your death.
A burden which...
year by year
has grown heavier and heavier...
and clung to me like a shadow
on a long, hot summer day.

There is no denial
of the animosity I felt as a child...
living my life in your shadow.
A shadow of death...
which filled many days with agony...
many nights with woe...
realizing now that neither
were of your doing.

Your life was a
small, unadorned seed
that planted its root into this
damaged earth much too early...
leaving me to journey
the path of childhood alone...
never understanding why seeds of life
were sown where you were blind...
bringing tears to the eyes
of the sister you left behind.

this day on the beach is for you...
for all the days you never had.
And these tears
are for both of us...
and the life together
we were denied. ©

NOTE: ©Property of the author.
Coping, editing, reproducing, etc. prohibited
without written permission of the author.