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It was a cold night...
standing there in the parking lot.
Others shuffled and moved in their own
individual direction...
minding no ones business but their own.

It was a windy night...
the moon attempted to dance through the trees,
and succeeded.
The brightness of it's glow reflected
the radiance in your eyes.

It was a clear night...
the stars glittered in the sky
as if they were the eyes of angels watching us...
excited with premonition of what was about to happen.

people stopped their shuffling...
the moon stopped dancing...
the stars stopped glittering...
my heart stopped beating...

anxiety ripped out my breath as you approached me.

As you spoke,
I heard not your voice, but the voice of angels.
As you reached to touch me,
your touch penetrated through my hand
into the depth of my heart.

Yes, it was a cold, windy, clear night
standing there in the parking lot...
but who noticed?

While others were busy shuffling and moving
in their own individual directions,
you were busy shuffling and moving your way
into my heart...

and I was busy preparing myself for the lifetime ahead. ©

Property of the author.
Do not edit, copy, reproduce, etc. without permission.

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Graphics By Sleepy Designs
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004