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My life spins around...
back and forth... up and down.
Emotions twirling through the breeze...
rising high above the trees-

...never knowing where I will land,
or how hard the fall.

Sometimes faster...
oft times slower...
yet always wanting and wishing more.
Always perilous...
sometimes unstable...
but always giving it all that I'm able-

...covering many miles,
yet somehow remaining in the same place.

Like the ballerina,
I'll continue my spin...
until I rise and fall again.
sometimes with you...
oft times alone...
still desiring my feelings to be made known-

...unsure if this journey will ever be complete
while holding the hand of fate.

much like the music box
that winds down and abruptly stops
right in the middle of it's song...
leaving us wondering what went wrong...

realizing we may never know what that
last note might have been...

...or why it refused to play. ©

Property of the author.
Do not copy, edit, reproduce, etc. without permission.


Graphics By Sleepy Designs
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004