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                            When I've needed someone to lean on...
you've been there....
strong and sturdy.

                            When I've stumbled or tripped...
you've kept me from falling.

                            When I've needed an ear...
you've lent both of yours.

                            When I've needed a push...
You've given me a gentle nudge.

                            When I've needed a friend...
You've been the best...
never letting me down.

                            You've given your time unselfishly.

                            When I was weak...
you've given me strength to live...
strength to carry on...
strength to carry.

                            You haven't been in my life very long...
but it feels like a lifetime.

                            And a lifetime is what you've given me.

Your gift is irreplaceable...
and so are you.

                            Thank you.©


                            ©Property of the author.
                            Do not copy, edit, reproduce, etc.
                            without written permission.



                            Graphics By Sleepy Designs
                            2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004