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Passing the television last night, I paused to listen.
I don't do this very often... certainly not often enough...
but I decided to give the world a few moments of my time.

It seems that, in this busy world of marriage & motherhood,
we think our hands are overflowing with our own problems,
and there's no time left for the problems of the world.

As I paused to listen,
I abruptly realized that,
in this tainted world which we attempt to live,
nothing or no one is really safe anymore.
Even in the safety and solitude of these walls,
the forces are lurking outside...
waiting for their chance of invasion.

This box that has temporarily grabbed my attention
is filling my home with the reality of violence...
and war.

As an individual... as a wife... and as a mother...
there is no escaping the realness of a world
in which a select few make crucial decisions...
and everyone must abide.

In order to make it in this world,
we must adapt ourselves to the present conditions...
and learn to tolerate those condtions which are out of our control...
I realize that, in this mass of millions,
I am just one...
unimportant to many...
yet, important to a few.

I am weak against the evil forces that attempt to overpower...
yet, I am strong...
strong in strength of virtue...
strong in feelings...
strong in capabilities.

Incapable of changing the world...
yet, capable of defending it,
and being proud of my beliefs.

Incapable of changing people...
yet capable of making a difference in their lives.

However small or large,
these capabilities are so very often surpassed.
Our capabilities of loving and caring are disregarded...
seemingly unimportant...
until it is too late...
too late in realizing that small,
yet crucial difference we could have made...
not in the world...
but in the life of the world.

For each person's destiny is like that of the world...
pre-programmed and uncontrollable.

We know not exactly how we got here...
and even less of how we'll leave.

Once we approach our adult years,
we realize how all the influences in our lives...
both large and small...
have brought us to where we are today...
and are responsible for forming the wife & mother
I am today.

We can look back and retrace certain occurrences,
and certain people,
who made the essential difference...
those who cared...
and those who just didn't make the effort.
We realize that, along life's walk,
we have often been overlooked and pushed aside as individuals...
even by those we call "friends".

We also sense the reality of eventual separation
from these "friends"...
as we all become scattered amid the worldly corruptness.
We miss them...
and we pray that a much higher source will protect them
as they carry our deepest secrets and emotions...
and scatter them around the world.

We have all felt the feelings of helplessness
as people come and go in our lives.
We watch as people's lives are corrupted...
even eliminated.
These people are one of us...
and as their life is lost,
we often wish...
and even marvel upon the question...
Could we have done more?

But, the world will go on...
and it does.
Moving... searching... and planting
it's destruction into yet another soul...
until, eventually...
that soul, too, will be gone.

In this world of today...
no one knows what tomorrow holds.
We only know what we hold in our hearts.

As a wife... and as a mother...
thank you for being that one person that took the time...
that cared enough to make a difference in my life.
Your caring and thoughtfulness have given me something
to hold onto during these days of uncertainty...
and I will hold it...
until you, too, are taken from me.©

Property of the author.
Do not edit, copy, reproduce, etc. without permission.

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