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I look into your eyes
and I see the reflection of myself...
beaming with feelings of love...
feelings that I know are
somewhat unrealistic...
yet true... and strong.

I have allowed someone to try
and talk me...
or scare me
out of what I really feel for you.

I'm sorry I haven't been
completely honest...
my feelings for you are much
deeper than I admitted...
I apologize for the dishonesty.

There are so many cards
stacked against us...
so many obstacles that make
this relationship a
treacherous journey...

I'm falling in love with you.

You have overcome all the walls
I built around me...
the seclusion that I was
determined to have.

I don't know how it happened...
but you have found your way
inside me...
to the very heart of me.

I close my eyes to sleep
and I feel your touch...
your caress...

I can see your smile...
it's as if you are lying
here beside me.

I reach out to kiss you...
realizing you aren't really here...
the loneliness of being away
from you settles in.

I have fallen in love
with you...
not knowing if you're gonna
catch me,
or let me fall to the ground.

I'm sorry for the dishonesty
of hiding my feelings...

I never meant
to fall in love...

I never meant
for you to know. ©

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Do not copy, edit, reproduce, etc.
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