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Will there be tears in Heaven, Lord?
For I have shed more than anyone knows.
I want to share the smiles & laughter...
and feel the warmth your love bestows.

Will there be pain in Heaven, Lord?
For my heart is cold & gray.
The hurt has penetrated deep inside...
the wounds are here to stay.

Will there be failures in Heaven, Lord?
For we all have the desire to succeed...
a yearning to "make it" and be proud...
a wanting to be able to lead.

Is Heaven really as wonderful, Lord,
as others claim it to be?
Are there really no tears, pain or failures...
and is there room for me?

Will you take me as I am, Lord?
For I know I've let you down.
My sins, short-comings, shame & despair
are scattered all around.

I want to leave them here, Lord,
and come to you anew.
I want to be pure, happy, and sin-free...
and rejoice my whole life with you.

So, if you'll have me dear Lord,
I'm ready to come home.
I'm ready to forget all this grief...
I'm ready to feel that I "belong."

Leaving this world of sorrow, dear Lord,
won't be hard at all.
Take me Lord, whenever you're ready...
I'll be waiting for your call. ©

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