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On this page you will find out how to make traps for rabbits. Deal with the rabbits humanely. Adult supervision required. Any injuries inquired by the building of this box are not my fault. Build at your own risk.


Supplies needed:

1. Plywood, or any boards that are at least 7"s wide and at maximum 1/2"s thick.

2. Finishing nails, or nails close to that size.

3. Hammer.

4. Measuring tape.

<5. Stick that forks out in a Y that is bigger than 1/4"s thick.

6. One straight stick that is 19"s long and smaller than 1/4"s thick.

7. One straight stick that is 11"s long and smaller than 1/4"s thick.

8. Old stool leg or old handle to a shovel or broom or something close to that size.

9. Chicken wire, or some kind of wire so that there isnt but a 1" gap in the holes.

10. Drill with a bit that is at least 1/4"s wide.

What do to:

1. Cut three boards or sheets of plywood that are 28"s long and 7 inchs wide. One go's on the bottom. The other two stand on top of the bottom one. Make sure they are flushed. Nail them together.

2. Cut another one that is 26"s long and 7"s wide. It should lay on top of the sides. Push one end back till it is flush with the back of the sides. There should be a 2" gap from the front of the sides and the front of the top.

3. Cut another one that is 9"s long. This is the door. Cut it width wise so that there is at least 1/4"s of space between the sides. Set it down and we will use it later.

4. Get your wire and put it over the back so that there is a 1" overhang on the top, bottom, and sides. Nail it so that it is tight over the back. Drive the nails so they dont go through the top, bottoms, and sides. Knock the remainder of the nail over to the side.

5. Measure into the bottom board at the front 1/2"s from the side and mark it. Put a nail in there so that it sticks up at least 1" and leans slightly outwards. Do the same to the other side.

6. Get your old stool leg or shovel handle or what ever you found that is close to that and drill a hole that will go through each side of it into the side of the box. Nail it to the front of the box onto of the sides. ATTENTION: There should be a gap far enough from the top board to your stool leg so that your door will fit through it.

7. Drill a hole 6 1/2"s in from the top board. Make sure the hole is centered.

8. Drill another hole 13"s from the top board. Make sure it is centered.

9. Your first hole you drilled is you hole for your Y stick. Shave the straight end so that it fits in the hole tight.

10. Your second hole is for your trigger. Get your stick that is 11"s long and measure down from the top of it so that when you look inside the front of the box, it sticks down and almost touches about an inch from the bottom. While still holding the stick there, reach in the box and mark the top of it where it hits the bottom of your top board. Carve into your stick with a knife about half way. Slowly come back out about an inch up. It should look like the stick in the picture.

11. Get your door and stand it up vertically. Measure and find the center. Mark it. Measure, to the right, 1/4"s and mark it from the center mark. Do the same to the other side.

12. Nail a finishing nail about half way (in either your right or left of your center mark) and bend it over to the other mark. Do not nail or bend the nail on the center mark. You will not be using it any more.

13. Put your string on your nail on your door and tie it good. Put the door in its slot and pull it up till the bottom of it is hanging down about an inch from the top board. Get your 19" stick and hold it on your Y stick (Your Y stick should already be in the first hole, 6 inches from the front) so that one end is right over your second hole and your door. If your stick is too short, find another one that will fit. Tie the door's string to your 19" stick.

14. Get your 11" stick and put it in the second hole from the front. Put it in the hole so that the carve you made hangs on the top board. It should be standing almost vertically. Get your 19" stick that sits on the Y and get it so that the bottom of the front door hangs down about an inch from the top board. While holding the 19" stick on the Y in the same place, and holding your 11" stick in its place, tie them together with string.

15. Now! If you have made it right, set it so the 11" stick hangs the top board in its hole. It should stay there by itself. Is the bottom of your door hanging down about an inch from the top door? If not, adjust your strings do that it does. Set it and reach in and easily push your 11" stick (or trigger stick. what ever you want to call it...)in. The door should have closed all the way. Your nails you put in the bottom are to keep the rabbit from pushing the door out. If it does not do like I said it should, play around with and see if you can get it to work. Heres what it is supposed to look like. (the images are not scaled to size)

The trap in the middle is the one that i made.
So, you got a box, eh? What are you gonna use for bait? Go to the Bait page.