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My Seasonal Poetry - Spring

Chloe Returns
Mother Nature has grown bored with Jack Frost's wooing her, But the glistening layer of snow lays as thick as ever, and the ice crystals are falling yet again to the Earth, though most creatures have now forgotten the snowflake's worth. They are begging for the season to come to an end, And Mother Nature has heard them, and is ready to send Chloe down into the last Wwinter's snow to make all the seeds and plants begin to grow. So spring is now poised, ready to begin, just as Winter does finally come to its end, because Chloe has returned, beautiful in all her flowers, and she has banished winter till next year with her mystical powers.


unny skies and sudden soaking showers,
Pansies, poppies, petunia, blooming power,
Rampantly racing to reach random realities.
Incredible, ingenus, indescribable, intricacies,
Never noticing ... the nothingless, of the night.
Growing glutinous gladness in gardens of delight.

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