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The Wolf __________________________________


The Wolf's Endangerment Status:
Red Wolf - Critically Endangered Species
2 Other Endangered Wolf Species

In the practice of Shamanism, the world's oldest healing tradition, and found in all
cultures on the Earth, Shamans work with their allies--the animal spirits. The practice
of using animals is of Native American, shamanic, and tribal origins. Shamans tell
us that animals are messengers of the Great Spirit. They are on Earth to teach us
valuable lessons. The Great Spirit shares information with us through visions and
dreams in which animals are used to represent what you should do. History shows that
humans have always been fascinated with animals and their abilities and cunningness.

The Wolf's Wisdom Includes:
Facing the end of one's cycle with dignity/courage/ death & rebirth
Spiritual teachings
Guidance in dreams & meditations
Instinct linked with intelligence
Social & familial values
Outwitting of enemies
Ability to pass unseen
Skill in protection of self & family
Ability to take advantage of change


Excellent hearing, an acute sense of smell, and sharp vision aid the in locating and tracking
it's prey, other pack members, or enimies. A wolf's sense of smell is its most heightened sense
and is thought to be 100 times stronger than that of a human.
Gray Wolf


Wolves live in family groups or 'packs' consisting of a dominant male and female, their
offspring, and other adults. Usually only the dominant pair will breed, however all adult
members of the pack share the responsibility of feeding and caring for the pups.
Black Male


When about two months old, the wolf pup starts growing adult hair around the nose and
yes, and their body begins taking on adult characteristics. By six
months, wolf pups are nearly full grown, and by eight months they have almost reached
their adult weight of between 60 and 100 pounds.


Wolves communicate using facial expressions ranging from submissive 'grins' to bared
teeth 'threats.' The direct stare of a dominant or alpha wolf reinforces its leadership.
position. Other pack members may look down or cower to show submission to the alpha male.


After two weeks, newborn wolf pups open their deep blue eyes which will change to
brown or amber by their second month. A growing pup can eat more than two pounds of
food a day, requiring the adult wolves to hunt cooperatively for their hungry young.


Gray wolves vary in color from shades of gray and brown to pure white or solid black,
largely depending on where they live. Many wolves found in the Arctic are a brilliant
white. White fur shafts have air pockets that provide excellent insulation through
difficult winters.
Pure White


Wolves are social animals that generally live in family packs. Pack sizes vary considerably,
from two to twenty members in a pack. An average pack size is seven wolves, which may be.
comprised of a mother and father, uncles and aunts, and siblings.


Wolves can attain speeds of 35 to 40 miles per hour and have enough endurance to run for
miles. The wolf's long legs enable it to wade through snow easily, bound through brush and
fallen trees, and sprint while chasing their prey.
The Runner


Howling is a common form of communication for wolves. Scientists have surmised that there
are several reasons why the wolf is known to howl. Sometimes howling serves to reassemble
a scattered pack, attract a mate, or advertise their presence to other packs. Contrary to
popular belief, however, wolves do not howl at the moon.

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