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Ok, as the title say's, this is a page for other peoples stories and sites... now, they don't really have to be on hanson (the sites) but it'd be great if they are... we have a few now but really want to see a hell of a lot more links on here. SO, if you have a site, then send it in! :c)

Jozans Site This is a groovy site! Definitely one to check out!

Through Thick Or Thin- this is a story written by one of our good friends, Tiffany.. she's a really good writer so we suggest you read this story.. and be sure to sign her guestbook to! :c)

The Psychadelic Hanson Page

Truly Broken- this story is really gooderz!! go read it!!

A Love So Strong

Thats What Friends Are For

Come To The Sun: Hanson Fan Fiction

Hanson 2.000

Speechless This story is REALLY good!! we fully reccomend that you take the time to read it.. there are only a few chapters up right now but Lis's workin on it!! This is her first story up on the internet so puh-lease read it and sign her guestbook and let her know what u think

Hanson Place This is a pretty groovy page and we recommend you go check it out!

If Only This is a new story and only has a few chapters up so far. It looks to be a promising great story so check it out!


Hanson Fiction [dot] com You'll find thousands of links for stories here! seriously! :)

Hansonline Official Hanson Site

Vampyre A Taylor story... so worth taking the time to read!

Kangarooland's Hanson Website

F A I T H F U L This story ROCKS! It's also finished... we love it!

Wondering What You're Dreaming

Hanson's Little Hangout

Never Going Back

Pink Jelly This is a kick ass site made by a kick ass girlie!! You site ROCKS Cyndi!

Aurora Star



Everytime I Stand for You This story rocks!! We both love it. We have to warn you though, it has content for mature readers.. very mature readers.

e-mail ur sites here!!