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Now here they were, on their way to Svenson Hills to find the "legendary Sage Katrina." Tifa rolled her eyes. Would Cloud be doing all of this if she had died instead of Aeris? "Here we are." Vincent announced, breaking into Tifa's thoughts. He parked the Jaguar outside the town. When Tifa stepped out of the car, she understood why the nurse had wanted to come someday. Lush green fields surrounded the medium-sized town. A small reservoir was to left and beautfiul wildflowers grew on the hills behind the town. It must be really beautiful when the sun sets, like Nancy thought, Tifa's mind suggested as she followed Cloud and Vincent into the town. "So, Cloud, where do you propose we start looking?" Tifa asked, gazing at the town, which now seemed larger now that she had entered it. "I guess the store owners would probably know her," Cloud suggested, though it sounded like more of a question than a suggestion. "Okay." Vincent and Tifa agreed in unison. Tifa agreed a little half-heartedly, but Cloud didn't notice. He was already wrapped up in his own little dreamworld, waiting for the day when he and Aeris would be together again. Thus, the search for Sage Katrina began. They had to wait awhile at the inn since another customer was booking a room. The wait seemed like hours to Cloud, though it was less than five minutes in reality. When the innkeeper had finished with the customer, Cloud stepped in front of the desk. "Do you know where Sage Katrina is?" Cloud asked politely. The innkeepers eyes dropped from Cloud's face almost instantly. His former polite smile was replaced by one of grimness and confusion as he muttered a hurried 'no'. Cloud's expression was one of puzzlement as he walked back to Tifa and Vincent. The innkeeper, Tifa noticed, was now greeting another customer. Though his polite smile was back on his face, his eyes revealed something else: that question of why. The question that Tifa had seen in the soldier's face before he had died. The wondering sensation of 'how and why did this happen to me?' Tifa knew the feeling well. She had felt it when Cloud fell in love with Aeris. But before she had any time to wonder why the question was in the innkeeper's eyes, Cloud was dragging them off to an items shop. But it turned out to be useless. They got the same answer from the woman who worked at the items shop, the man at the weapons shop, and it just continued in that process in each shop that they entered. Now they were heading towards the last one. Before they could reach it, a girl stopped them. "I hear you're looking for Sage Katrina. I may be able to help you." she said casually. Tifa looked the girl over. She had shoulder-length blonde hair and emotionless blue eyes. She looked about nineteen and was clad entirely in black leather. A black leather tank top and tight black shorts under a black leather jacket with black knee-high boots was what she wore. Tifa wasn't sure if this girl was worth trusting. She looked more like a hooker than someone who would have information about Sage Katrina. "Cloud, I..." Don't know if we should trust her, was what Tifa was going to say, but it was too late. Cloud had already asked the girl if she could take them to Sage Katrina. "Sure." the girl answered, the beginning of a smile playing on her lips. "By the way, my name is Pretticina Arnold, but everyone calls me Prett," she told them. "Follow me. Prett turned aroudn and started walking down a path on the hill. She didn't look back to see if they would follow her. She knew intuitively that they would. They always did. Again, Tifa had doubts about whether or not they could believe the girl. What if she wasn't telling the truth? But she knew that it would be useless to dissuade Cloud. Tifa became uneasy as Prett led them farther and farther away from the village. They were following a path, but that nothing to calm Tifa's nerves. She kept being reminded of those cheesy horror movies where the previews had the line "Out here, no one can hear you scream." Somehow it seemed more scary now than it ever had in those movies. But then again, it was happening to her, not to some actors or actresses. By now, Tifa could see that Cloud had fully put his trust into Prett. Vincent, meanwhile, was too absorbed in eyeing her up. Men, Tifa thought and rolled her eyes. If a girl showed too much skin, any guy would suddenly find something interesting to stare at in her direction. Tifa knew that from personal experience. So why couldn't Cloud just give up on Aeris and stare at her for once? She shook her head, and noticed something that turned her unease to downright worry. Prett had taken them to a cemetery. Tifa looked up at the sign over the Gothic-style arches to make sure, and, without much relief, saw that she was right. Why did she take us to a cemetery? Cloud thought anxiously in disbelief. By now he had stopped walking, but Prett continued toward the gravestones. She couldn't be... "Sage Katrina is dead." Prett said emotionlessly. She leaned over to place a bouquet of roses by a tombstone. "This is her final resting place." Where did those come from? Cloud's mind screamed frantically. The logical part of it managed to talk him into skeptically believing that Prett had been carrying them all along and that the reason he hadn't been able to see them was because he was too deep in his own thoughts at the moment. What else could've happened? he mused. Now Prett stood up and turned around. She flashed a winning smile at them, but her blue eyes remained clear and vacant. "I'm the only living relation of Sage Katrina as of now. I'm her daughter." Prett waited to see the expressions on their faces-shock, disappointment, doubt-before continuing. "I'm sure that you asked other people in this town. They all told you that they never heard of her." Prett's mouth twisted into a little snarl and her eyes now held emotion in them: cold hatred and bitter contempt. "Let me tell you why. "One day, three years ago, a child was found dead. Of an unnatural cause. The next day a pup was born with two heads. The people suspected sorcery or witchcraft and, naturally, all fingers pointed to my mother. They had her hanged. I was only sixteen at the time. It's actually quite amazing that they didn't run me out of town, too." Prett laughed, but it was humorless and bitter. "Maybe you can still help us," Cloud said uneasily, not meeting Prett's cold gaze. Cloud, no! Tifa felt like shrieking. What kind of an idiot are you? She's a witch, Cloud! We can't trust her! But of course, Tifa held her tongue. "You see-" Cloud began. Prett cut him off with a wave of her hand. "If you want to talk, let's do it at my house. This cemetery is a bit unsettling, don't you think?" She flashed another pretty smile at them, but her eyes remained guarded. Tifa had thought that Vincent was cold and distant, but this girl really took the cake. As Tifa thought all of this, Prett spun on her heel and began walking in the direction opposite the town. They would probably still follow, she thought. The blonde guy-Cloud, was it?-would most likely follow her. Something to do with an 'Aeris' his mind kept summoning up. The other man-Vincent-had a small crush on her, but would that be enough to make him come? She hoped so. He seemed...interesting. But the girl-Tifa, her mind supplied-didn't trust her. But they would all come if Cloud decided to. Prett sensed that he was the leader of their little group. An involuntary smile lit up her face and made her beautiful instead of just merely pretty. Well, if they didn't come, they would definitely be safe. From her, at least. She didn't know about the townspeople. But if they followed her, Prett couldn't guarantee their safety. Vincent took a quick look around. Prett wasn't following a path anymore, though she seemed to know exactly where she was going. There seemed to be no houses in sight, and this worried him. What a lace for a woman to be living, he thought. Though if the townspeople were mad at her, she would probably rather live far away from the town, making this location a perfect candidate. Tifa was also surveying their surroundings nervously. Cloud, what have you gotten us-correction, me-into? I can't believe this! Tifa brushed a stubborn lock of hair off of her forehead and looked up. Night already? She glanced down at her watch. 7:00 pm?! They had arrived here around 5:00 and the sun had still been high in the sky. (Well, sort of.) When had it gotten dark so suddenly? She shuddered and cast a sour glance at Prett. Maybe she really was a witch. Actually, it was highly probable. Before Tifa had a chance to dwell on these thoughts, Prett announced their arrival. The house was a Victorian-style two story building. It looked ancient and had vines crawling up the sides of the walls. It had an abandoned look to it and was surrounded in black slush that couldn't really pass for mud. "Tha-that's where you live?" Vincent stammered increduously. There wasn't even a mailbox! It didn't look as if there might be a telephone inside...or electricity, for that matter. How did her friends reach her? Then it dawned on him all at once. She probably had no friends. After all, according to her story, she hated the townspeople and they didn't seem to want anything to do with her. Because they thought that she was a witch, too. "Well, are you coming or not?" Prett demanded as she opened the door. Seh hoped that it turned out all right for them; she really did. She didn't want to have to kill any of them, but, if they said or did anything wrong, she wouldn't hesitate. They walked into the house after Prett and looked around. Vincent had been right about one thing; there was no telephone. Tifa was surprised that the lights actually worked. How did you get electricity out here? The inside of the place was just as bad as the outside. It looked as if it hadn't been occupied in years. But that was exactly what Prett wanted, right? No nosy neighbors poking around, no one knowing exactly where she lived. Out here, NO one will be able to hear you scream. The voice came out of the pit of Tifa's heart and filled her with fear. She should never have watched those movies, she thought. What if Prett tried to kill them all with a scythe or something? Shut up, Tifa, the logical part of her mind replied. Why would she do that? What exactly would her motive be? She doesn't even KNOW you. So answer that, Little Miss- But that part of Tifa's mind had no answer for what Tifa's eyes sent to it. Prett was holding (with experienced ease, you might add) a semi-automatic pistol. She had it pointed directly at Cloud's stomach, and didn't look as if she would stop to think about using it if that was what it all came down to after this conversation. "Why did you want to see Sage Katrina?" Prett demanded coldly, but, as in the short time that Tifa had known her, her eyes remained guarded and distant. Cloud sighed. He didn't seem to be afraid even though at any given time, the gun could fire and he could be killed. He slowly told Prett the story of how Aeris was killed. He didn't tell her about killing Sephiroth, though, or saving the planet; that just didn't seem important right now. But he did tell her of how they had learned of Sage Katrina. "And so I figured that Sage Katrina might've been able to help us," he finished, his eyes never leaving Prett's. Prett thoughtfully considered this story for awhile, then put the gun down. "I may be able to help you," she said softly. "As I told you earlier, I'm Katrina's daughter. She trained me in sorcery, and I know almost as much as she does." Prett looked at them expectantly, daring them to contradict her. " can bring Aeris back?" Cloud asked, clearly astonished. "How soon can you do it?" "Tonight, if you wish. But where is this...woman, I assume?" Prett questioned casually, as if she did this sort of thing every day. Cloud's face fell. "Well, when she died, we dropped her into this lake. That's where she must still be." He gazed at Prett sadly. "I should've known it wouldn't be so easy..." Prett's hearty laugh surprised them all. "Oh, but it is easy!" she exclaimed honestly. "Do you have any pictures of her or anything? Because that would make it even easier. She smiled with genuine amusement this time, and for the first time in years, it reached her eyes. It was at that moment that Vincent knew that he was in love with her. It wasn't just because she was beautiful; he had seen many more women that made Prett pale by comparison. He admired her attitude-she reminded him of himself. He thought that her past must not have been easy either, and he could sense that she was hiding something. Her eyes showed him that; he could even see it in her smile; how she was not entirely letting her past go. Prett's now-friendly attitude surprised him, though. She had been so cold moments earlier, but now she was...smiling? "How will you bring Aeris here?" Vincent asked. "Hmm? Oh! Well, I've told you that I am a sorceress, right? I can bring her here by teleportation." Prett explained confidently. "Then I can bring her back to life." Cloud mused over how easy it all was. "Teleportation?" he wondered out loud. Surely it couldn't be that easy, could it? He supposed it could, but he still had his doubts. He wouldn't believe it until he saw it, in other words. Prett's voice interrupted his thoughts. "-a picture of her or anything that belonged to her?" "Yeah." Cloud replied as he took out his wallet. From there he produced a small headshot of Aeris. His eyes brimmed with tears as he saw her picture-her large green eyes filled with the happiness of earlier times. If Prett was unable to do as she had promised, those eyes would never open again. He wiped an arm across his face, but Prett seemed not to notice. Either that, or she was pretending not to for his own benefit. Cloud believed that it was the latter. He thought that it would be hard for you to hide something from Prett. Now Prett leaned forward and took the picture from Cloud. "Okay, now that I've got a visual, it won't take too long. But first, we need to bringa table or a bed in here." Prett told them. "I'll help," Vincent offered, spying a table in a room nearby. Since when had he gotten so friendly too, he wondered. "What are you talking about?" Prett asked with genuine confusion. It was now Vincent's turn to be confused. "Are you sure that you can move it by yourself? It looks kind of heavy." At Prett's vigorous nod, Vincent became even more confused. "But how?" he asked. Prett shrugged. "It's easy. I suppose that you would call it telekinesis or transportation." She didn't wait for a reply. Instead, she turned to the table, stood staring at it, and concentrated on lifting it. After a matter of seconds, the large redwood table floated and hovered in the air. Using her mind, Prett turned the table lengthwise and floated in through the narrow door in a move that was much easier than it looked. Once she had it in its desired position, she slowly lowered it to the floor. Why do I want to show off my powers? Prett wondered. Normally, she would have asked for help, to make herself seem more normal. But there was something about Vincent that made her want to impress him. Prett knew that she didn't have time to waste on silly emotions that she would never be able to fulfill. What would it all come to in the end? Either she would be rejected or he would reject her. She knew that she couldn't go on this quest with them; she didn't have the time for that. Besides, she needed to protect herself. Mentally slapping herself, Prett pushed these emotions of love and a wish to just be normal girl for once in her life out of her mind. She tried to focus on the mission at hand. Once she completed it, she would never see Vincent again. Then, perhaps, it would be easier to forget him. She shook her head once, trying to clear her mind of these thoughts once and for all. Now she looked towards Cloud. "Now to bring the one you call Aeris." Prett said. Cloud nodded solemnly. Truth be told, he didn't trust himself to speak. Now he sincerely and wholly believed that if anyone could bring Aeris back, it would have to be Prett. How many other people did he know that could lift tables using only their minds? Prett was studying the picture of Aeris, absorbing every tiny detail and planting them piece by piece into her brain. When she felt that she had the correct mental image, she closed her eyes and drew in deep breath. She removed everything from her mind until all that remained was empty space. She then allowed Aeris's face to flood her mind completely and fully. She then visualized the table so that Aeris now occupied one half of her mind. The table filled the other half. Now Prett knew taht she must concentrate on bringing Aeris here and onto the table. Beads of perspiration formed on Prett's forehead. Her muscles were tense under her skin. Cloud began to wonder if he should stop her. Did she actually know what she was doing? He glanced at the dusty table. It seemed that there was a figure on it, at first very faint, but filling out gradually. It was Aeris-he knew in his heart that it was her. Now he could see her more clearly. Her arms were clasped serenely over her chest and, even in death, a light smile played over her lips. Her sodden pink dress clung lovingly to her body and her formerly neat hair hung in damp strings. Cloud was aware of a faint dripping noise as water from her hair and her dress dropped to the redwood table. Almost there, Prett thought. If only she could hold out for just a little longer. Now beads of perspiration clung to her arms under the black leather jacket. Prett could feel streams of sweat cascading down her face, but she ignored it. Her hair was wet and matted to her skull. Her muscled arms and legs were taut under her clothing, but she would only need to concentrate for just a little longer. She could sense that Aeris was almost here. Vincent looked from Prett to Aeris in mute awe and disbelief. It was hard to believe that Prett was actually teleporting Aeris here! He had to admit that he admired and respected the girl. He locked his eyes onto Aeris. She looked too real to be a holographic image, and Vincent knew that she was not, but it was still hard to believe that Prett had teleported her here from halfway across the world. Literally. When Prett was completely sure that Aeris was indeed where she needed to be (which was above the table), she lowered Aeris onto it and opened her eyes, surveying her job. To her, it seemed a job well done. "See?" Prett panted, running her fingers through her sweat-drenched hair. That had been a lot harder than expected, but at least she had been able to do it! "So now you can bring her back to life?" Cloud asked, sounding both excited and nervous at the same time. Prett nodded resolutely as she took off her leather jacket. "What I have to do now should be simple enough. It doesn't require as much concentration on my part." She gave them a reassuring smile. "What do you have to do now?" Vincent asked Prett curiously. "Well, first we have to turn off the lights. Then you'll see," Prett replied as she walked over to the light switch and flicked off the lights, one by one. Prett now removed a tiny flask from a nearby cabinet. "Now everyone, remember to be especially still and quiet and everything should go according to plan." Prett took in a deep, shuddery breath. "Here goes nothing," she murmured. "Dark Father, I pray to you now to return this woman's soul to her body. I offer you sacrifice in return for this favor." Prett poured the liquid from the flask onto her fingers and sprinkled it around Aeris's still form. When the liquid hit the table, it evaporated in thin wisps of blue smoke. Tifa smelled the light coppery scent and instantly recognized it. Blood! her mind shrieked, but Tifa remained perfectly still. She feared what would happen to her if she didn't. Prett was now chanting something in a different language-presumably Latin, by the sound of it. Abruptly Prett stopped talking. Her head was a bit tilted to her right, as if she were waiting for an answer. The answer came in a strong gust of wind. All the doors in the house blew open and a bright flash of light filled the room. Prett's hair billowed insanely behind her. Tifa resisted an urge to scream and run out of the house. Prett had said not to move and she had no intention of disobeying that command. The rubber band in her hair was long gone-a victim of the strong wind-and her hair now flew freely. At first Cloud had thought that the wind was just a cold, strong gust of wind, but now he realized that wasn't all there was to it. The wind was of a bluish color and in it he could see the white details of faces. Souls, his mind told him unquestioningly. Prett was scared out of her life. Though she had acted confident and experienced earlier, she had never done anything like this before. Nevertheless, she knew what this wind was doing-it was trying to match up Aeris's soul to her body. Tifa watched in silent wonder as the souls floated past Aeris's dead body. Men, women, children-all were faces carried in the wind. Eventually Aeris's face floated on the wind towards her body. The soul hovered above Aeris's body for a while, as if it were having second thoughts about returning, before it melted into her body. The other souls shrieked and flew through the open back door, to return to wherever they had come from. After the souls had left with the wind, all the doors slammed shut. Prett gasped at the doors shut, but at least she now knew exactly what she was doing. "Now for the finale," she whispered. Prett bent over and took her dagger from a sheath in her boot. WIth a quick slicing action, Prett made a slit in the palm of her hand. She let the blood drip in a circle around Aeris. Once the circle was complete, Prett murmured another phrase in Latin, and dropped to her knees. She indicated for the others to do the same, and, again, they obeyed. A force field of shining pink light was emitted from the circle of blood. Once the light barrier fell, Prett stood up and muttered another short phrase in Latin. "It is done," Prett said softly as she flipped the lights back on. "All we can do now is wait." Cloud swiftly got to his feet. "So she's alive now?" he asked. Prett gravely met his eyes. "I've done all I could do," she replied slowly as she bandaged the gash on her hand. "But she should be alive, right?" Cloud inquired impatiently. As if in answer to his question, Aeris sat up and yawned. "What time is it?" she asked as she stretched. "Aeris! You're-you're alive!" Cloud rushed to her side. "I can't believe it worked!" he exclaimed, all but jumping for joy. "Who are you?" Aeris questioned, regarding Cloud with suspicion. "And what are you doing in my room?" she demanded. "Excuse me?" Prett demanded haughtily. "Your room? I bring you back to life and everything, and this is the thanks I get? A girl who doesn't even know that she's in my house?" Then Prett's face suddenly drained of color. "Oh, no," was all she could say. "Are you okay?" Tifa asked Prett hesitantly. "Something went wrong." Prett whispered. "What?" Vincent asked. "Aeris-she...she should be able to remember-she shouldn't be like this," Prett replied, still speaking in a whisper. Aeris cut in. "Who's Aeris?" she asked as she hopped off of the table. "You are," Cloud replied. "No, I'm not," Aeris told him, laughing. "I'm...ah, who am I again?" she asked, clearly puzzled. "You are Aeris Gainsborough," Cloud answered, also confused. "What went wrong?!" Prett demanded angrily, interrupting their wonderful little conversation. She began to pace around the room. "How could this happen? I was so sure that I had it, so why?" "What could go wrong?" Tifa asked curiously. "I don't know! And that's the problem! It could be-it could be anything!" Prett threw her hands up in exasperation. "I don't know! Was she killed naturally? No! You already told me the answer to that one. Maybe she committed suicide before Sephiroth killed her." "Maybe it was because she was a Cetra?" Tifa suggested hopefully. "No, no, no!" Prett paced frantically in an effort to think. Suddenly she stopped pacing and snapped her fingers. "I've got it! Did you avenge her death?" "What?!" Tifa asked, not seeing the connection. "Did you avenge her death? You know, kill the guy that killed her?" Prett inquired quickly. "Well, yeah, but what's that-" "If you avenge the person's death, their soul must be guarded forever by the one who killed them. As a sort of punishment. So, in other words, Aeris's soul must be guarded by Sephiroth for all eternity," Prett replied seriously. "Well, that would explain it," Vincent murmured, looking over at Aeris. "How do we bring the real Aeris back?" Cloud asked. "We have to battle Sephiroth for her soul," Prett said calmly. "But...I don't know how to do that." For once, she did not look sure of herself. Cloud's jaw dropped. "You don't? So how-?" "However, I do know someone who does." Now Prett sighed. "But if I take you to her, you'll have to let me stay with you guys. You see, if you let her name slip, and if certain people find out where she lives, they'll kill her. And I can't allow that to happen. Now do we have a deal?" She held out her hand. "Yes," Cloud replied, shaking her hand after he thought it over for a while. "So who is this person that you are going to take us to?" Prett looked at him for a while then replied: "My mother, Sage Katrina."

Awesome story Tracy.

if you have any more fanart please e-mail me.

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