The largest scrambled eggs ever made weighed nearly 3.5 tons.


ointer Pointer finds a photograph pointing to your cursor every time you move it. Sounds simple, but it’s hilariously addictive.

man nervously entered the women's lingerie section and approached the saleswoman at the counter.

"Excuse me," he said, "I'd like to buy a bra for my wife."

"Of course," the saleswoman replied with a smile. "What type of bra are you looking for?"

"Type?" the man asked, confused. "There are different types?"

The saleswoman gestured toward the wide array of bras on display—every shape, size, color, and material imaginable.

"Yes, there are many options," she explained. "But generally speaking, they fall into four main types."

Feeling a bit relieved, the man asked, "What are the types?"

With a knowing smile, the saleswoman explained:

"There's the Catholic bra, the Salvation Army bra, the Presbyterian bra, and the Baptist bra. Which one would you like?"

The man, more confused than ever, asked her to explain the differences.

"It's quite simple," she said.

"The Catholic bra supports the masses,

The Salvation Army bra lifts the fallen,

The Presbyterian bra keeps everything staunch and upright,

And the Baptist bra? It turns molehills into mountains."

The man chuckled, finally understanding.

Then, with a curious look, he asked, "By the way, why do bra sizes come in letters like A, B, C, D, DD, E, F, G, and H? What do they stand for?"

The saleswoman leaned in and whispered: "A stands for ‘Almost there.’

B stands for ‘Barely there.’

C is ‘Can’t Complain.’

D is ‘Dang!’

DD is ‘Double Dang!’

E is ‘Enormous!’

F is ‘Fake.’

G is ‘Get a Reduction.’

And H? ‘Help me, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!’"

As the man laughed, she added with a wink, "And don’t forget the German bra — Holtzemfromfloppen!"

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