Castle Bisset

In today's House Of Humoronics

Honk The Goose
The Internet Dictionary
Hotels I Won't Stay At
I Didn't Eat Breakfast
Stinging An Idiot

Today's Inspiration

God's Patient Love

It saddens me to report that Winnie the Pooh was banned from a Polish playground because the honey-obsessed bear doesn't wear pants. The much-loved animated bear was discussed at a local council meeting to decide if this famous character should become the face of the play area in the small town of Tuszyn. The problem with Winnie is that he doesn’t have a complete wardrobe. One city councilman noted, “He is half naked which is wholly inappropriate for children. Pooh is only dressed from the waist up."

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is a day for everyone to talk like a pirate, and it was thought up by John Baur and Mark Summers of Albany, Oregon. They were playing racquetball on June 6, 1995, when they began to talk like pirates. They decided there should be a holiday dedicated to pirate talk, and since they didn't want the day to coincide with D-Day, Mark came up with September 19 as its date, which was his ex-wife's birthday. It was not until 2002 that the day began to be celebrated on a larger scale, as Dave Barry wrote a column that brought the attention of the holiday beyond the purview of John and Mark's friends.

House Of Humoronics
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Color Codes
Post Cards
Clip Art
Search Engines
Lines And Bars
Betty Boop
Juke Box
Juke Box 2

Sir Joseph's Secret Passageway

Contributions to today's Castle Bisset have been made by:

Karen in New Jersey
Ruth in Pennsylvania
Glenn in Texas
Monica La Rose

Castle Bisset Editor



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