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The Father Sun God's Temple

(Notice the facial features the sun seems to make in this amazing and magical photo of the Sun!)

Names of the Father Sun God

In this photo He seems to frown down upon us,
perhaps for our lack of using more solar energy in these modern times,
or our lack of worshiping him in these modern times.

Our Father Sun God has been worshiped from the time His life-giving rays of light first fell upon thinking beings in this solar system.
How long ago that began is a subject of debate but it is undoubtedly many many thousands of years into the past.
Every Culture on the Planet worshiped the Father Sun for His sustaining light and warmth. He was called by various names of course in various languages,
but most often addresses as "Father Sun." In Africa He was called Lizah. In Celtic lands He was called Belenos.

The Hindu name for the Sun God is Surya.

Surya painting and Poetic translation of His morning Gayatri Mantra by Ginger Strivelli


In Egypt, He was worshipped so, it is said that the jungle of ancient North Africa withered
into a dessert under His over-blessings upon His worshipers there.
He was called Ra there, and invoked and worshiped with great rites and temples.
He was shown as a human-like god or a Falcon headed human in statues and temple murals.
He was depicted as a falcon often or a winged Sun-disk in art and jewelry of the era.

Later in Greece He was thought to drive the Sun across the Sky in a golden Chariot daily, and was called Helios.
He was called Surya in India where some of His praises are sung of in the sacred Rig-Veda Text.
One such prayer states:

Crossing space, you are the maker of light, seen by everyone, O Sun.
You illumine the whole, wide realm of space.
You rise up facing all the groups of Gods,
facing mankind, facing everyone, so that they can see the sunlight.

Many Native American Tribes worshiped the Father Sun with ritual dance, songs, and chanting.
The 8 day long SUN DANCE held be the plains Indian tribes every Summer was particularly notable for its magical religious and cultural importance.

(Painting by Ginger Strivelli)

The Hopi tribe has a wonderful, beautiful and magical Sun God Incantation Chant that is sung very fast over and over and over with drumming and dancing.
It goes:

Ke-ya-Wa-te,layn-yo layn-yo mah-hoy-te
Hi-ya-no, Hi-ya-no, Hi-ya-no
(or in english; we are one with the infinite sun forever and ever and ever)

Father Sun was called Huitzilopochtli, which means "Blue Hummingbird on the Left," by the Aztecs he was worshiped as the God of the Sun and war. He was shown as a blue man fully armed and decked in hummingbird feathers.
His mother Coatlicue was said to have conceived him from a feathered being that came from the sky.
Prisoners of war were often sacrificed to Huitzilopochtli in ancient times,to insure favor for the victorious warriors from the life-preserving Sun.

All over the Mother Earth, the Father Sun is honored with ancient and modern temples to his sacred power.
Such as the mysterious stone circles like Stonehenge that mark the Sun's passing through the year in the sky
and use His power in some mystical magical forgotten application.

Some amazing Sun powered structures have been built in modern times as well. The Reichstag dome in Germany has a huge Dome Column of Mirrors that direct natural light down into the plenary hall
of the new German Federal parliament building using Solar energy warmth and light.

The uses of the Sun's Power naturally extends into space where many satellites, the Hubble telescope,
and even the International Space station use solar energy for power and life support.

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